What does “Doomscrolling” mean? Meaning and use


Have you got the phrase “Doomscrolling” under your nose and don’t know what that means? We’ll tell you what’s behind it and how you use it.

Here you can find out what is behind the term “Doomscrolling”. (Source: Milkos / depositphotos.com)

The term “doomscrolling” is derived from English and means something like “doom scroll”. This is the colloquial term for the massive and endless consumption of bad news. The term is also known as “Doomsurfing”.

With “Doomscrolling” you get into a rabbit hole of the extra class. After bad news, one tries to gain control of the situation by systematically gathering information about the matter. That is, overcoming the fear associated with the uncertainty of a new situation.


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However, the more terrifying information you get, the more desperate the situation appears and the more you struggle. “Doomscrolling” usually ends in a vicious cycle of excessive demands. Many are affected by this fucking and end up in the “doomscrolling” hole particularly often through social media.

The term “doomscrolling” was first used on Twitter in 2018. But it was only with the corona pandemic that the expression gained worldwide recognition in 2020 and 2021. “Doomscrolling” has quickly established itself in slang and seems to be more than a viral phenomenon, at least as long as the pandemic stays current.

Neuroscientists have also dealt with “doom scrolling” and see it as part of a vicious circle of negativity. The mind is trained to keep an eye out for threats. However, the more we look, i.e. scroll, the more dangers we find.

»In our list of abbreviations we explain around 200 other terms from the Internet language.

You can use the phrase “doomscrolling” yourself if you are browsing your FYP for disaster news and cannot stop. Especially with your loved ones you should make sure that they don’t fall into the “doomscrolling” trap.

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