What does “influencer” mean? meaning and use


In your clique there is a heated discussion about “influencers” and you don’t know what the term means? We explain to you what is behind the expression.

With us you will learn what an “influencer” is. (Source: dima_sidelnikov/ depositphotos.com)

That means influencer: an influential person, an opinion leader

“Influencer” and “Influencerin” come from English and are derived from the word “influence”, which means “influence” in German. So, an “influencer” is a person who influences others and shares different things with their followers across different platforms. This mainly happens in social media like Instagram, TikTok or on YouTube.

An “influencer” always has a high presence and in most cases is considered a kind of social role model. The success of an “influencer” is particularly measured by the number of people who follow the person. In particular, platforms such as Instagram or YouTube have shaped this profession.


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“Influencers” earn their money on these platforms because they reach many people there and, through complex advertising deals, participate in the profits of the company with which they cooperate and work both for their own reach and for the reach of the company.

This is how you use influencers

If you want to describe a person who is popular on social media and has a special notoriety and is promoting various products or sweepstakes on their feed, you can call them an “influencer”. The term content creator has the same meaning.

Examples of using influencers

  • Person A: “Hey guys, there’s a new real litte series for PrimeTime!”
  • Person B: “Wtf? Are you an influencer now or what?”
  • Person A: “I found really good content from an influencer for your skin problems!”
  • Person B: “Wow, you always think of me. You da real mvp!”

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