what if we tried the month without porn?


fun, news, tips … what else?

A brand of condoms launches “Sextember”: a month without porn to see sex differently. Good idea to reinvent your sexuality?

Today, porn isn’t all about videos made by men for men. Indeed, we are seeing the emergence of a new feminist porn (not that new, by the way, since its beginnings date back to the 80s), the objective of which is not to demonize porn. mainstream, but to open another way, where ethical, diverse and more egalitarian sex is the rule.

However, it is clear that this kind of content remains in the minority and that the bad sides of porn mainstream stereotypical representations, unrealistic performances, repetitive patterns … – can become problematic when they become a reference. It is in the face of this observation that Eden Gen, a condom brand, took the initiative to launch the movement in September. Sextember: a month without porn. In this article, we explain to you why we validate this approach … But before that, let’s put some numbers!

The influence of pornography on young people

According to a study conducted by the Opinion Way polling institute, only 27% of young people questioned believe they have a good level of knowledge about sexuality, 38% recognize that porn played a role in their upbringing, 41% consider that its impact on their practices is important and 40% on their preferences in bed. Finally, 77% also recognize that porn can induce violent behavior during sex, even if, we remind you: he is far from being the only source of violence in the couple. Well aware of this, the brand initiator of the Sextember movement intends to change the situation among 15-25 year olds. And that’s quite a program!

Sextember, a month without porn … but not without sex

It is important to emphasize this: the goal of the sextember movement is absolutely not to demonize the porn industry as we know it, but simplyteach young people to discover their body and sex differently. For this, the challenge is not only limited to doing without porn movies for a month (from September 1 to 30), but also includes the use of a whole bunch of tools: articles, podcasts, guided masturbations, non-pornographic films, news, tips… In summary, as many educational and benevolent content aimed at helping young people to “better understand the notions of pleasure and consent well beyond the field limited by porn “ and thus, teach them to distinguish between sex and porn in the healthiest way. And you, are you trying to take up the challenge?

Read also : 5 feminist porn sites to watch to have fun

It’s nice: Feminist porn sites

Video by Clemence Chevallet

Editor for the beauty section, Mélissa intends to share with you all the secrets of this vast universe. Nothing escapes her and it is with you that she shares all her finds …