what is it and how to apply it?

Have you ever heard of the 369 method? Inspired by the "law of attraction," this manifestation technique has gone viral on social media, including TikTok.

Viral on social media, including TikTok, the 369 method is nothing but a manifestation technique. This trend, better known as "manifesting" anglicism, is gaining traction. "All the cool kids are demonstrating these days", announced the Guardian in October 2020. To put it simply, the manifesting invites us to see the glass half full, hoping that this will have a positive impact on our lives. A trend that mixes positive thinking and spirituality, in short.

If you are interested in astrology and esotericism, you have probably already encountered the manifestation. This is nothing new. But she keeps coming back to popular culture, from the Goop site to TikTok videos through Lizzo who confides in Marie Claire that she has demonstrated her success.

What is the manifestation?

Manifestation is about putting your intention in the service of something you hope to happen, and then watching it happen in real life. In other words, if you think very hard about your dreams and desires, they will come true. This concept is not new: it appears in this sense in 2006 in the personal development book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, a bestseller selling over 30 million copies worldwide. The latter was inspired by the law of attraction, which consists of believing that there is a direct link between our thoughts and reality. In recent years, this way of thinking, like positive thinking, has seen a resurgence of interest. And in the particularly stressful and anxiety-provoking context of the global pandemic, it's no wonder that people seek to make sense of their lives through personal development methods such as manifestation. There are many ways to 'protest', but many pro protesters often talk about setting intentions, or specifying what you hope will happen in the future (think of a raise, new home, or a better relationship with a parent). Method 369 is great for getting started. It is easy to apply and offers a few concrete steps.

How to apply the 369 method of manifestation?

To apply Method 369, it's very simple. First, choose what you want to manifest. A promotion, for example. In the morning, shortly after you wake up, note this manifestation three times. In the afternoon, note the manifestation six more times. Finally, in the evening, note the manifestation nine times. That's all. You then go through this process for 33 or 45 days.

The 369 manifestation method was invented by Karin Yee, a famous coach for her Choosing Gratitude Youtube channel, which teaches the law of attraction. But why 3-6-9 ? There is a reasoning behind this spiritual practice. Indeed, the numerology of these numbers is significant. In practice, the number 3 connects us directly to the universe or to the source, 6 represents the strength we have within us, and 9 helps us move forward and release the doubt we have about ourselves- same. The method is based on author and speaker Abraham-Hicks' 17-second rule: Focus on your desire for 17 seconds to be in a true state of manifestation.

To summarize :

  • The morning : we write the same positive affirmation 3 times for 17 seconds each time
  • The afternoon : we write the same positive affirmation 6 times for 17 seconds each time
  • The evening : we write the same positive affirmation 9 times for 17 seconds each time

How you write your written affirmation is also important. State your affirmation as if you already have the thing you are manifesting, and add something about how you feel about it. If you want to show love, for example, you might write, “I am so satisfied and grateful that I have found love. I feel loved ”.

Does the 369 method really work?

Like all pseudosciences, the method of manifesting 369 leaves more than one skeptical. It is not based on any scientific basis. But even if you don't really believe in manifestation, you may find it helpful to adopt a goal setting ritual like this, and tailor it to your own desires. On the other hand, it would be toxic to think that whatever you want will happen just by writing these affirmations. Followers recommend associating your intention with positive action. If your dearest wish is to find love, this will mean, for example, going out a little more or signing up on a dating app. Either way, it shouldn't become just one more injunction, and make you feel guilty or disappointed if your intentions don't come out. But nothing prevents you from trying and dreaming a little, right?

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Video by Coline Amar