what is it and how to proceed?

Each birth chart is based on different elements that define the complexity of a personality. How to calculate your lunar sign? Explanations.

We all have unique personalities with many complexities. A natal chart is based on several fundamental criteria which make it possible to understand a personality in its entirety but also in its nuances. Symbol of life, the sun determines the astrological sign in its external dimension. The Moon governs the emotions and the ability to experience certain events. It is said that the moon sign reflects more the feminine aspect, more or less present in any personality.

By definition, the Moon stays for 2 days in each sign, which allows it to impact our daily reactions. The lunar sign should not however be confused with the astrological sign, nor for that matter with the ascendant. So, what is it concretely? How to proceed to calculate your lunar sign? All the answers in this article.

Astro: how does the moon sign work?

The moon sign is the symbol of mother, home, roots and childhood in a more holistic way. To calculate your lunar sign, you must take into account the position of the moon in your birth chart. To perform this calculation, you must therefore know several elements related to your birth: the place, the date and the exact time. This is explained by the speed of movement of the Moon. For example, depending on where the Sun and Moon are located at that exact moment, you could be Leo with a moon sign in Capricorn.

Your astrological sign and your ascendant refer to the alignment of the planets and set predictions in relation to your external relationship to the world. The lunar star sign goes beyond the horoscope to make predictions about your inner personality, it is more personal.

Thus, if the Sun determines your external personality, the Moon relies more on your internal universe, on your feelings and your subconscious. The calculation of this horoscope is also based on your reactions, your instincts and your own sensitivity. Without forgetting the part of femininity that each one possesses in oneself and the way he has of perceiving the outside.

In short, the lunar sign allows you to describe your emotional personality, affiliated with imagination and memory.

Astro: what meaning to give to his lunar sign?

This sign brings important information about the way you deal with your emotions. This given information is then categorized into three major poles:

  • First, the importance of the feelings of the person, in love, friendship, family and work. All with the strengths and weaknesses attached to it. Calculating your lunar sign often allows you to better identify the professions most suited to your personality.
  • Then, the Moon is a great guide to determining the area in which we are most emotional. Each astral sign has 12 houses and the Moon, when it positions itself in a particular house, specifies the dynamics of the emotions.
  • Finally, the sun sign and the lunar sign make it possible to identify a love and emotional compatibility between two individuals.

The lunar chart is useful for identifying the moods, the motivations and the scope of the sensitivity of each one. Certain professionals consider that the Moon can have a more or less established influence according to the sex of birth… and in particular a more increased importance among women.

Calculating your moon sign: how to do it?

All astrological signs are influenced by the position of the planets and in particular the Moon. Living beings are thus subject to the influences of cycles and to the proximity of this astral element to the Earth. His passage on the side of the other signs can have an influence on everyone in a different way.

How to calculate a lunar sign? To know which Moon you were born under, you should look at the sky map of your birth. In other words, calculate the position of the Moon at the exact time and at the place where you were born. To do this, you have your birth information and a calculator. Then all you have to do is add two numbers: that of your year of birth + that of your month of birth (refer to the lists below to find the right numbers).

Concrete method to calculate your moon number
To calculate your moon number, which will allow you to know your sign, you must add two numbers. The one that refers to your year of birth and the one that refers to your month of birth.
Find the number corresponding to your year of birth in the list below:

  • 1: 1920, 1966, 1985;
  • 2: 1939, 1958, 2004;
  • 3: 1931, 1977
  • 4: 1950, 1969, 1988, 2007
  • 5: 1923, 1942, 1980, 1999
  • 6: 1961,
  • 7: 1934, 1953, 1972, 1991, 2010
  • 8: 1926, 1964, 1983, 2002
  • 9: 1945, 1994,
  • 10: 1937, 1956, 1975,
  • 11: 1948, 1967, 1986,
  • 12: 1929, 1940, 1978, 2005,
  • 13: 1921, 1932, 1951, 1970, 1997,
  • 14: 1924, 1943, 1989, 2008,
  • 15: 1962,
  • 16: 1935, 1981, 2000,
  • 17: 1927, 1954, 1973, 1992,
  • 18: 1946, 1984,
  • 19: 1965, 2003,
  • 20: 1938, 1957, 1976, 1995,
  • 21: 1930, 1968, 1987,
  • 22: 1949, 1998, 2006,
  • 23: 1922, 1941, 1960, 1979,
  • 24: 1952, 1971, 1990,
  • 25: 1944, 1963, 1982, 2009,
  • 26: 1925, 1936, 1955, 1974, 2001,

Add the number related to your year of birth with the number related to your birth month, found in the list below:

  • January: 1
  • February: 4
  • March: 4
  • Apr: 8
  • May: 11
  • June: 14
  • July: 17
  • Aug: 21
  • September: 24
  • October: 27
  • November: 3
  • December: 6

Interpretation and calculation of the final figure
Once you have added the two previous numbers, 4 situations are available to you:

  • Either the sum of the two digits is between 0 and 28, in this case you have no other calculation to do.
  • Either the result is between 29 and 54: in this case, subtract 27.
  • If the number is between 55 and 81, subtract 55.
  • Finally, if your result is greater than 81, subtract 82.

For example: if you were born on June 15, 1987, your moon number will be (21 + 14) = 35. So you subtract 27, which gives you 8.

Astro: your moon sign according to the result obtained

Here is a little summary to know your lunar sign in astrology, according to the final number obtained:

  • 0, 1, 27 or 28: ram
  • 2, 3 or 4: bull
  • 5 or 6: gemini
  • 7 or 8: cancer
  • 9 or 10: lion
  • 11, 12 or 13: virgin
  • 14 or 15: balance
  • 16 or 17: scorpion
  • 18 or 19: sagittarius
  • 20, 21 or 22: capricorn
  • 23 or 24: aquarius
  • 25 or 26: fish.

Good to know: if you were born in a leap year, add 1 to get the final number.

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