What is sapiosexuality? That is what it means

That’s behind it

© Ekaterina Karpacheva / Shutterstock

Maybe you are sapiosexual without knowing about it? You ask yourself: what is sapiosexuality? We’ll give you the answer.

What is sapiosexuality?

From sneating to kareeza, we’ve covered a lot of trending dating and sex topics! Many of the topics are not that new, they are simply given a new “label”.

It is similar with sapiosexuality. This refers to the sexual effects of another person’s intellect on you. The term “Sapio” comes from the Latin verb “sapere” and means “to be wise”.

Generally speaking, you are sapiosexual if you feel erotically attracted to the person you are talking to because of the knowledge you have.

Maybe you are now wondering: Who likes stupidity? The term sapiosexuality certainly raises questions that we want to answer as well as possible in this article:

  • Is someone who finds intelligence attractive, but also appreciates other traits, such as appearance, sapiosexual?
  • Are sapiosexuals more women or men?
  • Is sapiosexuality a sexual orientation or a preference?

Sapiosexuality is not a sexual orientation!

The orientation refers to the sustainable interests of a person in relation to the gender of a potential partner. Whether hetero, homo, bi, poly or pan – these terms define our sexual orientation.

Sapiosexuality, on the other hand, can be classified as a preference. For example, you can be heterosexual and sapiosexual at the same time. Sexual attraction via intelligence is on a trait level like Looks or humor.

Am I sapiosexual?

  • You tend to reject superficial small talk on dates
  • Profound topics inspire you and if your counterpart is eloquent and educated, that turns you on sexually
  • The appearance of the other person does not play the greatest role for you
  • People who define themselves a lot by their appearance are more likely to turn you off
  • Sex is not your number one priority when you meet someone

If you can answer yes to these questions, the chances are good that you are sapiosexual. However, the term itself is viewed ambiguously, as sexologists argue that Intelligence generally attractive affect us.

It is similar with the external appearance. Beauty and intelligence are in the eye of the beholder, but nobody will deny that they always play a certain role in the search for a partner. ?

Intelligence or appearance?

Sapiosexuality describes one Focus on the intellect the other person, but they don’t have to be extremely intelligent people. Can also Looks still play a role. As a sapiosexual person, sexuality can be defined quite differently.

A really strong expression is certainly only present if you place high demands on the intellect, while at the same time neglecting other characteristics, such as appearance and humor.

Sapiosexual for profiling?

Nowadays, many people use the term to differentiate themselves! Online you can find “sapiosexual” in many profiles next to place of residence and hobbies. “I’m on the same level!”so the sexual statement! Or in other words: “People with low IQs please stay away”. It is questionable whether these people can even relate to the term … ?

Do women value intelligence more?

  • There are no statistics that show that women are more likely to be sapiosexual than men. However, there is evidence that the Sperm quality also increases with increasing IQ. The evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller was able to prove this in a study with Vietnam veterans.
  • So one can assume that the Men’s intelligence in women is an indicator of good genes that creates an attraction. So it is hardly surprising that “Smart is the new sexy!” hears mostly from women …

What is sapiosexuality? Emotional attachment or intelligence

  • And because a trend term rarely comes up alone, we would like to introduce you to another term … Demisexuality! The two terms are quite similar. If you are demisexual, you feel sexual attraction only because of an emotional bond and don’t get into relationships that quickly.
  • The Time aspect is more clearly emphasized here than for sapiosexual people. Because you probably need longer for an emotional bond than for the recognition of intelligence and its attraction …
  • Nonetheless, attraction to an intelligent person can also lead to an emotional bond. Seen in this way, it can also be that you sapiosexual and demisexual are. Just don’t get too hooked on the terms and enjoy your dating life. ?

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