What is the importance of royal funerals?

Polly Thomas/Getty

According to historian Ellie Woodacre, royal funerals are not just moments of farewell, but also moments of transfer of power. She believes the new King Charles III. will only reform the monarchy gently, but try to make himself and the royal house more accessible.

Ms Woodacre, on Monday Britain and the world will bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II with a state funeral. What role do such funerals play in the history of the monarchy?

Ellie Woodacre: All moments in the life cycle of the royal family play an important role, which is why they are also celebrated with pomp and glory. Births, baptisms and weddings stand for new heirs and thus for the future of the monarchy. Funerals and coronations, on the other hand, are about the change of throne. Funerals are moments of grief and reflection, but also pivotal moments of change and transfer of power.

Do the funerals follow a centuries-old script, or is the ceremonial constantly being adapted?

The details of Operation London Bridge, which arranged the ceremonial between the Queen’s death and the funeral, were finalized years ago. Nevertheless, monarchs have a certain influence on the processes. Queen Victoria, for example, wanted to change everything. She insisted on military honors and a state funeral. And she opposed the dominance of black as the color of mourning and demanded that her coffin be pulled by white horses. Chaos broke out in the royal palace after her death in 1901 because nobody knew exactly what to do. Victoria’s funeral is also the first royal funeral recorded on film.

Queen Victoria’s funeral in 1901.

British Pate / Youtube

What are the most important elements of a royal funeral?

Apart from the church funeral service, there are three main elements: the public laying out of the coffin, the processions and the burial. The laying out and the processions allow the people to say goodbye to the monarch and to take part directly in the events. The funeral is usually a private moment for the family. Processions, on the other hand, are important public appearances for the royal family and heirs to the throne, showing the continuity of the monarchy. The fact that the Queen did not die in London but in Scotland resulted in additional processions and stations in Balmoral and Edinburgh. Similar to Queen Victoria, who died on the Isle of Wight and had to be taken to London from there in a coffin.

People in Edinburgh, Scotland, look at the hearse of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II.

People in Edinburgh, Scotland, look at the hearse of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II.

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters

The death of a monarch has always been a moment of instability in the past.

The ceremonies of the past ten days bear witness to this. The “Council for the Accession to the Throne” was historically there to determine the rightful heir to the throne. Because it happened again and again that different, rival family tribes asserted claims to the throne. This is of course different today, because nobody disputed that Charles III. it was his turn. Much more so than a distant cousin’s claim to the throne, questions about the future of the monarchy are causing some uncertainty today, particularly in the countries of the Commonwealth.

historian Ellie Woodacre.

historian Ellie Woodacre.


King Charles III has made a good start in his new post, with a clear majority of Britons believing he will make a good king.

The transition has been very smooth so far. Charles III tries to make itself and the monarchy accessible and approachable. He had the “Council on the Accession to the Throne” broadcast on television, and he and his wife Camilla immediately sought direct contact with the people in front of Buckingham Palace. Prince William, the new Prince of Wales, and Prince Harry did the same in front of Windsor Castle. Instead of retreating in their grief, Charles and his family have gone all out in public. In doing so, they are signaling that not only is the Elizabethan era ending, but also the era of Charles III. begins.

King Charles III  and Queen Camilla are cheered on by the crowd as they walk outside Buckingham Palace in London after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla are cheered on by the crowd as they walk outside Buckingham Palace in London after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

John Sibley/Reuters

A British flag bearing the image of King Charles III.  amidst flowers near Windsor Castle in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

A British flag bearing the image of King Charles III. amidst flowers near Windsor Castle in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Tolga Akmen/EPA

Does this opening represent a change compared to the reign of Elizabeth II?

The monarchy has changed steadily since Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952. At that time, the decision to broadcast the coronation of the new monarch on TV was considered a shockingly radical opening. The Queen has already tried to make herself and the monarchy more accessible. The family participated in documentaries and invited cameras into the palace. In this respect, Charles III. the opening initiated by his mother. Of course, this is a balancing act for the monarchy: It has to preserve traditions and ceremonies, but also react to social change, otherwise it will appear outdated and outdated.

Will Charles III. be a king who shows his emotions more than his mother?

There were moments when he seemed very emotional and close to tears. Although Charles has been able to prepare for the succession to the throne for a long time, the loss of his mother is very difficult for him personally. When he speaks affectionately of his “mama” or his “darling wife”, he shows emotions that also make him visible as a person.

It says Charles III. want to slim down the monarchy. What do you have to imagine?

In his first address as king, Charles III. the direct line of succession that goes from him to his sons and grandchildren. Charles’ siblings Anne, Andrew and Edward are of course prominent at their mother’s funeral, but they and their children are likely to take a backseat in the future. Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the British monarchy could be restored under Charles III. thin out the splendor and pomp and approach the so-called bicycle monarchies in Scandinavia.

King Charles III  delivers his address at Westminster Hall, where Members of Parliament met to express their condolences following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

King Charles III delivers his address at Westminster Hall, where Members of Parliament met to express their condolences following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Dan Kitwood/AP

How likely do you think that is?

Splendor and glory are among the hallmarks of the British royal family, so they are also important for the British image in the world and for tourism. Of course, the palace has to be careful not to overdo the pomp. But the crown jewels and ceremonial give a magical and mystical touch to the monarchy. Historically, pomp has also served to emphasize the king’s unique position. With the ceremonies gone, people begin to wonder what is so special about the royal family. The royals can be human, but they must not appear ordinary.

What role will Charles’ wife Camilla play?

For the first time in seventy years, Great Britain has a king’s consort or “queen consort”. The Queen Mother last held this title until the death of King George VI. 1952 in. Camilla is not a ruling “queen regnant”, but she is now officially Her Majesty, Queen Camilla. She has to fill the role of “queen consort” again, and the shadow of Charles’ first wife Diana weighs heavily on her to this day. However, Charles has repeatedly stressed how important Camilla’s support is to him. She will often stand by his side in public.

Could Prince Harry and Meghan also play a role in a slimmer monarchy – despite the rift after their interview with Oprah Winfrey?

As sons of the monarch, William and Harry are much more in focus than before. William and Kate will play very active roles as the Prince and Princess of Wales. Harry and Meghan are no longer “working members of the royal family” and are building a new life in America, which Charles explicitly acknowledged in his first royal address. But in the past few days, one had the impression that Harry put himself at the service of the family. The brothers made public appearances together in Windsor and at a service in Westminster Hall. Ultimately, no one knows how William and Harry feel about each other. But the grief for the Queen seems to have a unifying effect.

From left: Kate, Princess of Wales, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, walk to a meeting with the public at Windsor Castle following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

From left: Kate, Princess of Wales, Prince William, Prince of Wales, Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, walk to a meeting with the public at Windsor Castle following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Kirsty O’connor/AP

Queen Specialist

nn. · Ellie Woodacre teaches history at the University of Winchester. Her specialties include monarchs and royal studies. Born in America, she is the author of several books, editor-in-chief of the “Royal Studies Journal” and editor of the anthologies “Gender and Power in the Premodern World” (ARC Humanities Press) and “Lives of Royal Women” (Routledge).

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