what meanings to give to this dream?

The dog appears as a faithful and playful animal, a reflection of our instinct. Dreaming of a dog: what are the possible interpretations to give to this dream? Explanations.

The dog is the second favorite pet of the French, after the cat. It must be said that this furball is considered man’s best friend. He has an instinct that is very close to that of humans, in addition to being a guide and support full of love and friendship. Loving and faithful companion, this four-legged animal has many qualities.

Seeing him appear in his dream is not trivial, quite the contrary. To dream of a dog can mean a lot of things and should be interpreted in a whole context, beyond the thoughts of the dreamer. In principle, the dog knows how to lead the dreamer to the path to be taken, he guides him in the dark. What interpretation to give to the dream of a dog? We tell you everything in this article.

Dreaming of a dog: the meaning according to Freud

The Freudian interpretation of this dream is important to better understand the different situations. For Freud, dogs are direct symbols of our unconscious and its darker parts, especially when the animal wants to be threatening. In real life, dogs are usually domesticated as one would like the subconscious to be. At any moment, it can arise, bite, attack and even kill, as our deepest impulses would.

This type of dream highlights the deep part of our being, inducing a real confrontation between reason and the unconscious. The link is quickly made with the guardian of the underworld, the dog Cerberus. The underworld is also the symbol of the unconscious. At certain times in our life, this part can resurface, often to help us cure certain ailments or to tease us in a very real situation, to be resolved quickly.

According to the Freudian psychoanalytic approach, dogs can also take on a softer and more protective meaning when the dreamer recognizes the animal from his childhood. It then becomes the support of tender memories that roam to give it a soft and pleasant nostalgic feeling.

Psychoanalytic interpretation of the dog’s dream according to Jung

In the psychoanalytic current carried by the Swiss Carl Gustav Jung, dogs are important animals, to be considered in a positive and domestic aspect. They would symbolize our deep sensitivity and our flair. If the dog is threatening and scary, it may mean that the dreamer is currently going through a difficult position in his own life. For example, he may have trouble simply accepting his animal, instinctual dimension. In the dream, a dog attacking or biting would express some repressed instincts. According to this same current of thought, it is then good to let them escape to find more freedom with oneself. In this case, it is even considered fashionable to take a step back in your social relations to listen to yourself more.

When the dreamer strokes the dog who is then perceived as sweet and adorable, it means that he is approaching his intuition to find harmony with it.

Interpretation of the dream of a dog in Islam

In the religion of Islam, the dream which involves the dog is never trivial and should attract all the attention. This pet always symbolizes loyalty and protection, more or less necessary at a specific moment in life. This little everyday companion protects and accompanies you. Above all, it is about a careful guardian who helps you find the right path. To dream of a dog may mean that you feel insecurity, fragility or even certain threats in your daily life. This dog dream then reflects your need for protection. It may then be interesting to ask yourself questions about this in order to put an end to a problematic situation. Do not hesitate to consult if you feel the need.

Dreaming of a dog: the desire to tame your subconscious

Both men and women say that they dream of a dog quite frequently. The dog can take many different forms in a dream: alternately scary, cute or touching, with several heads, or even half-dog and half-creature. There are actually many ways to view this animal in a dream.

In any case, this dreamlike situation can be fraught with meaning. This animal represents a part of your unconscious that you are trying to tame. In fact, during the night you are no longer completely in control of your thoughts. They are then free to roam as they wish, which can sometimes create a few surprises when waking up in the morning! The dog may wish you good or on the contrary scare you. The work of meaning dreams is then not the same.

Variants of dog dream and interpretations

Here are some interpretations that can be given to dreams with dogs.

You dream of a scary dog ​​who jumps on you and bites you
You are probably faced with an event in your life that requires your full attention. Maybe you even feel in danger? The complicated period you are going through should not be taken lightly, as it may backfire.
It can also mean that you have not taken sufficient account of the wishes expressed by someone else or that you are overly suppressing your deepest desires… both of which can be damaging in the long run.

In direct application, this type of dream (which is closer to a nightmare for that matter) invites you to wonder about what you really want at the moment. What are your real desires, the ones you may wish to hide? Also open your eyes to make sure that you are paying enough attention to the wishes of someone around you. If you realize that it is not, it is quite possible to change your attitude in this regard, take this dream as a message.

You dream that you are lost in an unknown place and guided by a dog
This type of dream is quite common. Concretely, in this daydreaming situation you find yourself in a totally unknown place and you cannot manage yourself. You discover the outcome thanks to a dog that appears and accompanies you.

This may mean that it is in your best interests to trust your instincts and listen to your whims of the moment. This consideration will allow you to get out of a blocking situation, a source of daily confusion. Your flair is a precious help that should be listened to, in order to feel what you have deep within you and move forward in this direction. Your intuition is with you, you are not alone: ​​have confidence in the future.

Do you dream of accepting a dog as a gift
Someone around you gives you a dog as a gift, so it becomes your daily companion. The meaning of this dream is important since through this you become aware of your instinct and start to believe in it. To move forward, it is necessary to take into account your intuition and the feelings that are specific to you. This helps you to understand yourself better and to avoid certain situations that may seem difficult to resolve at first glance.

In direct application, this type of dreaming can mean that it is high time to put your logic and Cartesian thinking aside a little bit to concentrate a little more on your inner feelings. Especially in the emotional field, but in many other areas of your existence as well.

You walk down the street, accompanied by a dog
In your dream, were you walking quietly in the street, accompanied by a small being on all fours? Once again, this reveals the importance of taking your instincts into account on a daily basis: it is a way of effectively protecting yourself from missteps and bad decisions. This dream can give you the strength to move forward from day to day intuitively, with flair and confidence. Do not worry, the dog is an animal filled with friendship and affection, this message sent should help you realize that you will be able to defend yourself in case of danger. You are on the good road.

You have the dream that your dog is barking at your spouse
If you dreamed that your dog is barking threateningly at your spouse without wanting to stop, it means something important to your companion. Your subconscious is trying to give you the keys to manage a complicated situation in which your romantic relationship is at stake. Maybe you have different feelings towards your spouse?

Keep in mind that the dog always represents instinct. This kind of dream can mean that you do not have complete confidence in your partner and therefore in the relationship that you are building together. Another dream possibility: someone intervenes to stop the barking. So you are surely torn between two attitudes, between two positions, between two decisions to be made. On the one hand, wisdom prompts you not to wave. And on the other, your intuition is ringing the alarm bell.

Is that how you feel on a daily basis? It is then advisable to look more carefully at the meaning of this dream to resolve the problem at its source. It can be interesting to ask yourself the right questions and put the romantic relationship back to its current state by showing sincerity and focusing on positive communication.

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