What should I do if my child has a fever?

Do you know exactly how to react when your child has a fever? Or are you a mom who panics quickly? If you have any doubts about the procedure to follow or are concerned that you are not doing the right thing, this article can help.

Difficult to keep calm when your child has a fever. When this happens for the first time, some of us may even drop a little tear (you are far from alone). Often, in a panic, we make the mistake of seeking advice on Google, which does not reassure us at all, quite the contrary …

When a child has a fever, it means their body is going fight against viruses or bacteria. This reaction impresses and terrorizes parents, and that is why the first reason for consulting pediatric emergencies remains fever. In primary care consultations, it comes second after coughing. Most of the time, fortunately, it's nothing serious and the parents go home reassured.

In order to avoid going to the doctor systematically when your little one is sick, it is important to know how to act. Here are 10 mistakes parents often make when a child has a fever.

1. Losing your composure

From the first outbreaks of fever, it is appropriate for you, parents, to take deep breaths and keep calm. Fever, in and of itself, is not a disease and only a few cases require taking your child to the emergency room. Even if it's difficult, panicking will be useless and could make you make bad decisions.

2. Rush to the doctor

Taking your child to the emergency room when he has a fever is not recommended, nor is it recommended by the pediatrician or general practitioner. It is estimated that if the fever lasts more than 2 to 3 days, that it equals or exceeds 40 ° C and that the pup remains very weak, this is when it is advisable to go to consult. On the other hand, if the child does not have any of these three symptoms, it is better to abstain. An unnecessary visit to the doctor may reassure you but will also create new risks for your child. contract another virus.

3. Think that the higher the fever, the more serious the situation

You should know that a high fever is not synonymous with greater gravity. At home, therefore, it is better to pay more attention to the general condition of the child, rather than what the thermometer indicates. Each child is different, and when some are completely weakened at 40 ° C, others will be as low as 38.5 ° C! From 2 years of age, in well-vaccinated children, it is much more important to look at the overall condition than the fever itself. If despite the fever, the child is happy, plays, runs, eats a little, laughs … the pain that affects him is probably unimportant.

=> Which thermometer to choose? <=

4. Give medication immediately

Once again, fever is not a disease in itself, but a sign that the body is defending itself. So it is rather "good news" that your child has a fever, because it means that qthat it effectively fights against the nasty viruses or bacteria that make it sick. If his general condition is good, there is no need to try to lower the fever at the first outbreaks. You can start administering medicine to the child as soon as the temperature is above 38 ° C. If after treating the fever does not go away completely, but the general condition remains good, taking the medication is not useful, the temperature will eventually drop by itself.

5. Alternate ibuprofen and paracetamol

The fever should not be "quelled" at all costs. Once you have given your child an antipyeritic medication (paracetamol or ibuprofen), the temperature may not return to normal immediately. This generally decreases one degree per hour. Sometimes parents may alternate with paracetamol and ibuprofen to lower the fever, but this is not recommended. Indeed, mixing the two substances repeatedly can cause unwanted side effects, and in the worst case poisoning.

6. Practice self-medication

Some parents provide their children with antibiotics when the fever has not gone down with traditional antipyretics. Be aware that this decision involves many risks for the child. First of all, it is important to remember that antibiotics are not effective in treating infections and diseases caused by viruses. In the vast majority of children, they usually result in bronchiolitis, flu, colds, etc. Giving this type of treatment when it is not useful could create resistance in the body, and in the long term, compromising the effectiveness of antibiotics against diseases that really require these drugs.

Please note: antibiotics are administered only and exclusively when prescribed by the pediatrician, and in the doses he indicates. The acetylsalicylic acid present in these treatments should not be given to a child to combat fever. Their improper use in situations where they are not wanted, can cause among others, Reye's syndrome, a rare and potentially fatal disease which attacks the brain and the liver.

7. Immerse your child in a cold bath

This advice probably comes directly from your grandmother, but from a purely medical point of view, it is not at all recommended. We play the scene for you: imagine that you are asked to enter a frozen bathtub in full fever? Not very pleasant … Your child will certainly show signs of reluctance and we can understand this. Beyond the unpleasant side, it can be dangerous for him to lower his temperature too quickly. However, if you think that a bath could do your little feverish well, it is quite possible to make him take one, but in water at usual temperature.

8. Rub your child's body with alcohol or cologne

Yes, it is also a practice that was very widespread in the days of our grandparents. Medicine having advanced considerably since, it is today strongly discouraged by pediatricians. Formerly used to bring down the fever, this use turns out in reality very dangerous, in particular with causes risk of skin burns.

It is also not recommended to have cold clothes or towels on your child's neck or body. Conversely, and if you think it helps, you can gently wipe your face and body with a cloth soaked in hot water.

9. Putting your child to school despite a fever

If some parents do not put their children in school as soon as they have a small cold, others think that even with a small fever, they can go. If the child's general condition is good, he can get out without problems, even with a fever. On the other hand, putting it in school is not recommended, especially because of the risk of contagion from other children.

Taking her for a walk outside the house can help lower her body temperature. If it stays inside, you canui remove some clothes (not all), and keep the environment at room temperature to keep the fever from going up.

10. Insist that he eat

During a viral process with fever, appetite usually goes down. Don't worry, it's normal for your child to eat less for two or three days. Also, don't force him to eat at all costs. In the event of fever, it is especially very important that it remains well hydrated. Water, juice, smoothies, porridge, breast milk … Try to make it drink regularly to avoid dehydration.

To summarize, here are the right things to do when an infant or child has a fever:

Take the temperature in the armpit. It is the most recommended area for measuring fever in children. Use a digital thermometer rather than mercury, which can be toxic when broken.

Even if the thermometer confirms that your child has a fever, Stay calm. In the vast majority of cases, the causes of fever are not serious.

Check its general condition. If your child is well and his fever is not higher than 38 ° C, he is not no need to make him take medication.

Do not give your child than the medicines and doses indicated by the pediatrician. Administering antibiotics or other non-prescription drugs may represent a great danger for him.

Avoid alternating two drugs. Mixtures can cause unwanted side effects and poisonings.

Try to keep the child hydrated, but don'tdo not eat a lot if he is not hungry.

Maintain a comfortable temperature in the room where he is, neither too cold nor too hot.

Avoid cold baths. If your child wants to bathe, immerse him in water at normal temperature.

If he's hot, take some clothes off, but don't completely undress.

If, despite the fever, he is doing well, you can take it outside no problem but not in school.

A consultation with the pediatrician is to be carried out in the following cases:

  • If the fever lasts more than 2 to 3 days
  • If the fever reaches or exceeds 40ºC
  • If the baby is less than 3 months old
  • If the baby is between 3 and 6 months old and the fever is above 39ºC
  • If the child has other symptoms such as overall weakness, difficulty breathing or spots on the body