What vaccinations are required to enroll my child in nursery or school?


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To be able to enroll a child in nursery, school or any other collective reception structure, the cherub must have an up-to-date vaccination record. What are the mandatory vaccines? At what age ? We will explain everything to you.

When you decide to enroll your child in a crèche, school, daycare center or any other collective reception structure, some obligations are asked of parents, particularly in terms of vaccination. In France, all children born since January 1, 2018 must be vaccinated – unless there is a recognized medical contraindication, specify the public service website – against 11 diseases, instead of 3 previously. Therefore, if the child is not up to date with his vaccines, he cannot be admitted to the establishment.

Before being adopted, this measure, initiated by the former Minister of Solidarity and Health Agnès Buzyn, was debated for a long time. For the National League for the Freedom of Vaccinations, for example, the problem arose on the possible dangerousness of the aluminum salts contained in the vaccines. An argument rejected at the time by the Council of State.

What are the 11 mandatory vaccines?

Today the list of mandatory vaccines has completed. In addition to the 3 traditionally compulsory vaccines, 8 others have been added in order to best protect children from Infectious diseases, such as measles, and prevent their spread. The 11 compulsory vaccines, which must be mentioned on the health recordare the following :

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Poliomyelitis
  • whooping cough
  • Haemophilus influenza type b invasive infections
  • Hepatitis B
  • Invasive pneumococcal infections
  • Serogroup C meningococcus
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella

Note that children living in Guyana must also be vaccinated against yellow fever. In addition, the French authorities recommend being vaccinated against other pathologies, namely tuberculosis, chickenpox, influenza, shingles and human papillomavirus infections.

Since September 2021, Lisa has joined the Aufeminin team. Little by little she specialized in subjects related to parenthood. Curious and passionate about writing, she likes to tell …

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