What was. What will. Citizens’ thoughts before the big festival of lights

As always, Hal Faber’s newsreel wants to focus on the details: the Sunday newsreel is commentary, outlook and analysis. It is both a retrospective and a preview at the same time.

*** Pardautz, there they were gone, the Christians and their air taxis. The new government under the sign of the traffic lights has already passed a few days. Its top politicians fly and pave the way through Europe, speaking in English, French or Danish like Habeckrobert. Germanic boys are foaming in the anti-social media and so Flaubert comes back to work like in the last weekly newsreel. He wrote: “I’ve always tried to live in an ivory tower; but a flood of shit hits its walls and threatens to collapse.” There are distances from the ivory tower of the arts to the towers of the rulers, but the tide of shit bridges them with the right. Therefore, at this point, a praise from the media is due, which persistently oppose this flood and also do not give in when the lawyers’ letters arrive. It gets funny when a court hears whether someone can have the most boring name in the world – and one Journalist is luckyto have a skilled legal department behind you. In other words: our public law avoidances are important and need to be further developed. In this, our digital age, we need them more than ever.

*** Our new government is young, but it is already difficult to innovate. The Ministry of Transport, Digital Infrastructure and Bavarian Preferences has become the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport, and the BMVI has become a BMDV. Bavaria accepts it and is rewarded with the G7 summit in Elmau, this time with a particularly stylish logo. The not fully illustrated elements G and 7 “complement each other, underline the trusting cooperation and together form a strong symbol”. Yes, it’s difficult to digitally. Already in the first few days you are routinely warned that things will not go that fast with rapid digitization. Don’t burn yourself down because of a 100-day program and bang, the world is good. From this point of view, it is understandable when demanding projects such as the PIN reset and activation service for the oh-so-new ID card and the relatively new generation 2.1 health cards are put on hold. It is your own fault whoever messes up his PIN letters. By the way, you can currently see it nicely with the doctors who have to activate their medical professional ID cards in January and, after an unsuccessful search, have to order new ID cards from the trust service providers. They actually have enough to do with updating the software in the practices after Log4j.

*** Everything has actually been said, meant and warned about Log4j, except by Ceki Gülcü, who programmed this logger at IBM 24 years ago. He tells how it was back then in the open source scene, how you had to praise and discuss. In his spare time, Gülcü worked on the system for many thousands of hours, 20 years before he founded his own company and marketed his Logback software. Now he is thinking about the open source idea, which also plays an important role in the digital chapter of the new coalition agreement: “The fact that many people work for free on code that companies use to earn billions is somehow unfair. But that’s the principle of open source. Demanding payment for it would be like taking a friend over for dinner and then Demanded money for it. But you can’t claim a gift back. It may well change at some point. After all, the legal questions about Open Source were unresolved at the beginning. Today there is a system for it. At first, no one would have thought of Open Source Expect source code for something in return. But maybe it is time to think about money. I don’t have an answer, because if you want to pay for this work, you have to do it right. “ Spend the right money? Where are we going? Let’s take another piece of software from where the software goes to die.

*** Since this week, the highly acclaimed film I am your person has been around in the ARD media library, of course only for a short time. Unlike the little wisp HeiseBotti, an AI who lives together with the neurotic Heise editors, the human being in the film is an AI who does everything in its power to be the perfect life partner of a human being. The film is messy, because the robot can control itself in contrast to the book, which ends with a fatal system failure of the robot.

*** That brings me to the first robot story in German, “His Excellency, the Automat”. Said machine makes it into politics with its phrase spoken by a clay roller, just like this young Friedrich Merz. Only in the face of an impending war can its spring mechanism be destroyed by its builder and oozes out of his stomach in proper style. You can read the whole thing here. From the preface, for funnier times in the fifth or sixth wave: “Dear citizen, noble, loyal subject, you slide on your stomach, admiring everything and everyone devotedly, what is presented to you as big and shiny, for whom nothing is stupid enough that he does not clumsily fall into it, for whom nothing is ridiculous is enough that he does not take it seriously, for whom nothing is serious enough than that he does not greet it impudently, who willingly pursues the genius with blood, if he can get a tip, yes, only the gracious nod of the lackey’s head for it – you All from the noble guild of those who will not all become: here you have found the artist who lovingly holds your portrait in front of you, the biographer who ruthlessly exposes the mechanism of your entire limitation. “

Dear citizen, noble loyal subject, do not take it uncritically that a lot has been promised by this our new federal government! The coalition agreement contains the strong sentence “We are strengthening digital civil rights and IT security. It is a state duty to guarantee them.” Next Tuesday we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of a landmark judgment. In a completely non-pandemic time, the European Court of Justice ruled on December 21, 2015 that the unprompted retention of data is illegal. After this ruling, the Federal Network Agency suspended data retention, but the old snake kept twitching. Since the EU Council wanted to keep “all options” open, the demand for data retention has been regularly on the agenda of the grand coalition. Perhaps on the 5th anniversary the rethinking will succeed with the view that all monitoring plans from data retention to the monitoring of encrypted messenger communication, as it is being promoted at EU level, must be discontinued. It is becoming apparent that a rethink has actually begun. As is well known, the new government is pursuing plans to set up a surveillance barometer in addition to the surveillance accounts, as proposed by the Max Planck Institute for Research into Crime, Security and Law.

As the saying goes: “The object of the monitoring barometer is the real monitoring load to which citizens are exposed due to the actual use of the various legal powers to collect or access data that is already available elsewhere in the administrative routine.” It is quite possible that even citizens who supposedly never have anything to hide can see what a low level of freedom restrictions is brewing. And this does not mean the nonsense of lateral thinkers who see their “freedom” threatened, to remain unvaccinated and to follow charlatans.


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