When arbitrariness goes viral

Dhe impression that the pandemic could once again have reached a crucial point is being stifled by the latest federal and state decisions. No further corona measures are currently required, but no loosening either. Resubmission in Berlin in mid-February. Medicine knows such strategies as “wait and see”. It works best when progress is undecided, when the tumor is growing so slowly that intervention may even be the worst course of action. In the case of the pandemic, politicians have already tried this a few times. However, neither their pandemic management nor society has done well, because waiting in a pandemic means fatal indecisiveness. Late and unprepared, that was the first sure diagnosis in every exponential phase.

Joachim Müller-Jung

Editor in the feuilleton, responsible for the “Nature and Science” department.

In the omicron wave, large parts of society and politics, tired of the pandemic, now believe they are safe, which can be based more on debate than on data. The new virus, statistically characterized by more mild courses, almost provokes this indecisive handling. It is a perfidious evolutionary strategy of the pathogen, one could almost say: to feel safe and exploit the gaps. In Denmark, one of the first countries with a particularly high vaccination rate where omicron has spread since December, the number of hospitalizations and deaths is by no means falling. They climb. The weekly incidences, which only rose with some delay due to the contact restrictions to protect against Delta and are now heading for a thousand new infections per hundred thousand nationwide, had already reached almost two thousand weeks ago in Denmark.

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