when hasn’t she seen Meghan and Harry?


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Since their retirement from the British royal family in 2020, appearances by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in the United Kingdom have been rare. While Queen Elizabeth II has still not met her great-granddaughter Lilibet Diana, she must struggle to remember the day she saw the couple for the last time.

When Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle announced in 2020 that they wanted to leave their functions within the royal family, it was a real upheaval for the Queen of England. Elizabeth II went through several emotions, like Prince William, who inevitably struggled to understand all the decisions made by his brother. Freed from a certain weight since his departure, the Duke of Sussex has nevertheless wanted many times pick up the pieces with family members. But after moving to California, it was not possible for her to move freely due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a direct consequence of all this, Elizabeth II has not seen her grandson and his wife for quite some time. Indeed, Prince Harry was only able to go to the United Kingdom for the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip, in April 2021, without Meghan Markle. The latter, however, was present during the tribute to Diana Spencer, this July 1, 2021, on the occasion of what should have been the 60th birthday of the princess of Wales. It therefore makes more than six months since the couple saw Elizabeth II, whose health is deteriorating. The latter has never yet met her great-granddaughter Lilibet Diana, but this painful wait could end in June 2022…

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Elizabeth II could see Meghan Markle and Harry again in June 2022, only if…

On the calendar of the royal family, two very important dates are listed: on the 4th of the month, little Lilibet Diana will celebrate her first birthday, while from June 2 to 5 will take place the festivities which will mark the 70 years of reign of the British sovereign. If nothing is planned, these two birthdays could be the perfect opportunity to reunite the family. We imagine that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be invited to the festivities, which would allow them to introduce Lilibet Diana to Elizabeth II, a first name inspired by the Queen’s childhood. If the couple is certainly starting, a shadow on the board remains. When Prince Harry left the royal family, he also lost the police protection that came with it. In June 2021 in London, the safety of the Queen’s grandson had been compromised : he had been followed by paparazzi after a charity event at Kew Gardens, west of the city.

In September of the same year, he filed a lawsuit for find this protection when he and his wife travel to British territory. If he offered to pay for this service himself, the Ministry of the Interior does not seem to want to authorize this initiative. A new hearing is expected to take place soon to discuss the matter. His lawyer, Shaheed Fatima, revealed this February 18, during a preliminary hearing before the Royal Court of Justice in London why prince harry hadn’t been back to england all this time : “The applicant does not feel safe when he is in the UK. It goes without saying that he wants to come back to see his family and friends and to continue to support the associations that are close to his heart but above all the Kingdom -Uni is and will always be at home”. What to imagine that if the decision of the court does not rule in his favor, the reunion of the Prince and the Queen in June could be compromised…

Marjorie Raynaud

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