When reversing: – 46-year-old accidentally drove down her mother

Tragic accident in Sinabelkirchen (Weiz district): When a 46-year-old reversed her car on the driveway on Monday afternoon, she overlooked her mother and caught her. Police say the 74-year-old was seriously injured.

Again and again dangerous accidents occur when reversing in the car – often within one’s own family. This was also the case on Monday afternoon in Sinabelkirchen: around 4 p.m., a 74-year-old woman walked from her house towards the garage. She was overlooked by her 46-year-old daughter, who reversed her car on the driveway. The 74-year-old was hit by the car and hit the asphalt floor. According to the police, she sustained a presumably serious injury to her left thigh. The woman received first aid from the rescue and the emergency doctor and then was taken to Feldbach Regional Hospital. An alcohol test with the driver was negative.
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