When should I become a mother? A study gives clues

What is the right age to start a family? At least one study provides indications of this question.

Germans are becoming parents later and later – this is nothing new. Career, late marriage, financial security … there are various factors that ensure that many couples push their desire for children well into their thirties.

From a purely physical point of view, this is suboptimal – a woman in her early 20s is much fitter than a prospective mom in her late 30s. Gynecologists therefore warn against waiting too long with family planning. After all, fertility also decreases with age. However, a study shows that there is also an advantage in having children later. One is happier!

Who says that?

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock. They interviewed around 7,000 people and found that satisfaction among women aged 34 and over increases significantly more before and in the first year after giving birth than that among women in their early 20s. Yes, even more – the younger ones are even more dissatisfied during pregnancy – and even after the birth they are no more satisfied than they were before the pregnancy. What about the age group in between? Quite similar, just not quite as pronounced. Ergo: late mom happiness, maximum happiness!

Really now – should I wait a little longer?

As always, studies are interesting, but not a guide to life. Anyone who feels ready for a child should have it at any chosen time. Some women feel a pronounced desire to have children when they are young, others only in their early 40s. In any case, it helps to question the motivation of your own desire to have children: Do I want a child because it makes ME happy, or maybe only because others do expect from me? This prevents falling into the regretting motherhood trap at an early stage and has a higher chance of being fully absorbed in the mum role.