“When the time is right”: Tom Brady leaves NFL future open

“When the time comes”
Tom Brady leaves NFL future open

First, some US media announce the end of star quarterback Tom Brady’s football career. But the denial follows quickly. After the vortex, the 44-year-old now expresses himself for the first time about his future.

According to his own statement, Tom Brady has not yet decided on his future in the NFL and a possible end to his career. “I think when the time comes, I’ll be ready to make a decision, one way or another,” the 44-year-old said on a podcast on Monday, according to US media.

It was Brady’s first public statement on the weekend’s resignation announcements. ESPN reported on Saturday, citing anonymous sources, that the decision had been made that the 44-year-old would end his career. Numerous colleagues, the NFL itself and even one of his companies then congratulated him on his outstanding career with seven Super Bowl victories.

Brady has been in the NFL for 22 years and has had one of his best seasons. He has one more season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He is aware that his decision will affect many people, Brady said on the podcast.

A resignation would not be necessary for sporting reasons. Brady showed until the end of the season that the oldest player in the league still had it. In the main round he had the best values ​​for touchdowns, successful passes, pass attempts and yards thrown. Against the Los Angeles Rams he almost made a comeback possible for the Buccaneers in the playoff duel a few days ago, for which he is feared and respected in the league.

In addition to the title record, he also holds the record for passing yards (84,520) and touchdowns (624). In total, he was in the Super Bowl final ten times. When he was picked in the sixth round of the 2000 draft as the number 199, no one thought it was possible.

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