Where do these acne pimples come from on baby’s body?

During the first months, baby’s skin is very sensitive and baby can suffer from different inconveniences. Infant acne is one of them. Infant acne affects an average of 20% of newborns a few weeks after birth. This is a disease that manifests itself by the appearance of small, benign red or white pimples on the infant’s skin. Here are our tips for recognizing and treating these symptoms well.

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Having soft baby skin is not always easy. Very sensitive and irritable, the infant’s skin remains fragile, and that’s life. By the age of 3 or 4 months, there is a risk that signs of acne will appear on your children’s face and / or body, but don’t worry, this rash is still safe for you. health. Thus, infant acne does not leave a mark on the skin, unlike teenage acne or infantile acnea which may be related to hormonal abnormalities and is accompanied by comedones, nodules and cysts. It can thus last until the child is 5 years old.

Infant acne manifests as a rash of white buttons (closed comedones or microcysts) and / or red buttons (papules) on the face of babies. This sudden onset of pimples is often localized on convex areas of the face such as the forehead or chin. Infant acne is also found on the cheeks, nose and scalp.
“Infant acne is closer to infant eczema”, according to Doctor Catherine Gaucher, “A disease which is rarely hormonal but most of the time, it is due to strong skin sensitivity. We are talking about acne but they are pustules with pus in the down. Infant acne is not linked to excess sebum but rather to skin irritation or inflammatory disease, on the ground of eczema. “

But where do these pimples on my baby’s face and / or body come from?

You are probably wondering what are the causes of the appearance of these pimples?

  • “From 3/4 months, moms start giving something other than breast milk like processed powdered milk. This change favors some inflammatory diseases
  • This weaning period is also a highlight for the baby because it marks the separation between mother and baby
  • One of the causes is also due to the period of vaccinations because the vaccines stimulate the anti-infectious immune system, which promotes allergies

This acne pimple rash is characterized by red or white pimples. “The pimples are red because they are inflammatory while the pimples are white because the inflammation of the pimple has led to a skin abscess with secretion of pus (yellowish liquid). “ According to Dr. Catherine Gaucher, specialist in neonatal care. Benign pimples that can suddenly appear and especially in large quantities on your child’s face and / or body but that leave no lesions on baby’s skin.

What treatment for infant acne?

If you are breastfeeding and want to switch to a bottle, you have to proceed gently because your baby is still very sensitive. For effective treatment, allow an average of 4 weeks to progress to complete weaning. To start, take a pumping of your breast milk and give it to your baby in a bottle. Then reduce the number of feedings during the day, trying not to make you want to feed but by not refusing it either. Slowly replace breast milk with powdered milk.

It is important to adopt the right actions. To erase acne pimples from your child’s face, it is important not to use stripping products like acne lotions for teens. These treatments are not suitable for baby’s skin and could create scabs and lesions on the skin.

Parents have their role to play. To effectively treat baby pimples, you have to remember to do a care, a complete toilet and clean the skin of your child, at least once a day with water. It is also necessary to choose a care adapted to the skin of the infant in the form of light creams or moisturizing lotions. “Infant eczema is easily irritable, it is important not to use products that contain acid, or soap, because it is stripping. You should prefer oils such as sweet almond oil, water or even Dalibour creams, suitable for sensitive skin. “

When does infant acne stop?

Baby’s eczema stops on its own but it is advisable to opt for the use of dermatological cream and milk to gently cleanse and care for baby’s skin.

“If the mother is breastfeeding, she must be careful about her feeding which is linked to the baby because of breastfeeding. You should limit the consumption of certain foods before breastfeeding such as peanuts, peanuts, cow’s milk products and egg white, which can affect the skin of the infant. Instead, choose vegetables and red meats ”, advises doctor Catherine Gaucher.

If you notice the pimples forming patches of eczema or your baby has a fever, see a pediatrician as soon as possible. In all cases, if you notice a rash of pimples on the baby’s body and / or face, consult a doctor or a dermatologist to dispel any doubts and provide the appropriate care for your infant.

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