Which is better: shower in the morning or in the evening?

Which is better: shower in the morning or in the evening?

© torwaiphoto / Adobe Stock

Some people need a morning shower to wake them up, others enjoy it as a bedtime ritual. But what does science say: is it healthier to shower in the morning or in the evening?

Opinions differ on whether they prefer to shower in the morning or in the evening, as well as on whether someone is a night owl or a lark. And there is often even a connection here: people who already feel very fit in the morning often prefer to shower at the end of the day in order to switch off better. Others have their active time in the evening and at night and often need the shower as a ritual to wake up in the morning. But is it healthier to incorporate the daily shower in the morning or in the evening into the daily routine?

Shower in the morning or in the evening: no clear research results

In general, hygiene is of course important for health, but daily showering is often too much for our skin and dries it out. Showering and washing your hair every two days is usually sufficient and is gentler – especially for sensitive and dry skin.

Science does not have a clear answer to the question of the optimal time. One US study However, I found that showering before going to bed can help you sleep better. Because the warm water can relieve tension and reduce stress, ultimately improving the quality of sleep.

The evening shower has a relaxing effect and protects the skin

So if you have the feeling that you cannot switch off so well in the evening and that you sleep less well as a result, the evening hygiene ritual could help you relax. It can also be helpful for allergy sufferers to get rid of animal hair, pollen etc. before going to bed, and the bed linen stays fresh longer if we only lie in it when we shower. In addition, dry skin in particular can regenerate better overnight than during the day, when clothing and movement cause more friction.

The shower in the morning makes you fit and refreshed

But of course, cleaning at the beginning of the day also has its advantages. If you find it difficult to get going in the morning, the refreshing ritual may help you wake up. This effect is particularly strong when the water is cold. One Study from Switzerland was able to show that a cold shower in the morning can make us more productive. And people who sweat a lot at night may also feel better if they wash themselves thoroughly after waking up.

Whether you should rather shower in the morning or in the evening depends on a number of factors – and of course on your personal preferences. There are good arguments for both times, ultimately it remains an individual decision.

Sources used: geo.de, mindbodygreen.com, Sleep Medicine Reviews


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