Which League of Legends champion is going to be reworked?

As the new season of League of Legends has just opened, once again Riot Games has decided to involve the community in the future of MOBA. Voting is now open to nominate the next champion who will receive an update!

With the Udyr rework drawing to a close, the developers are ready to look into the case of an entirely different champion! The icing on the cake is once again up to the players to decide who will be the lucky winner.

Each year, when it comes to deciding which League of Legends champions need a visual and gameplay update the most, the developers let their community have their say.

What are the different champions offered?

In 2021, Summoners were given the choice between Udyr, Skarner, Quinn, Shyvana, Nocturne. Shyvana, Nocturne and Skarner having remained on the sidelines, they try their luck again this year, joined by Tryndamere and Kog Maw.

If Tryndamere is the lucky winner, the developers will seek to improve its early stage and its usefulness in teamfighting, without complicating its kit or harming its identity.

As for Shyvana, they would like to focus on her dragon form, to make her “More imposing and destructive”.

Nocturne would be entitled to a much more improved kit, which will be much more cohesive with his ultimate. What to give life “To the idea of ​​a living nightmare which plunges its enemies into absolute darkness”.

On the other hand, if Kog Maw were chosen, there would be a lot more work to be done on him. The developers have in mind to completely review its kit to accentuate its “Hypercarry playstyle “.

Finally Skarner would be entitled to a complete overhaul, with a “New kit offering new and exciting themes”.

How do I participate in voting on League of Legends?

The voting process is very straightforward. All you have to do to tip the scales is start League of Legends, and the survey will be waiting for you on the customer’s first page.

All you have to do is choose a champion, but be careful, choose wisely, because you will not be able to go back! You have until January 20 at 8:59 a.m. to make your decision.

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