Which supplementary health plans best reimburse adult orthodontics in 2024?

Not covered by Social Security, adult orthodontics is very rarely covered by complementary health insurance. A difficulty for many French people, while the cost of treatment is staggering. However, a few gems are hidden among the thousands of offers on the market. Exclusively, Moneyvox reveals the most interesting contracts to soften the bill.

Adult orthodontics is expensive. Very expensive, even: between 3000 and 6000 euros, depending on the complexity and duration of the care. The problem is that as it is part of non-nomenclature care, it does not benefit from coverage by Social Security. Considered above all as an aesthetic treatment, it can nevertheless have real health issues, for better eating, sleeping and breathing. Even preserve the future of your teeth!

Complementary workers also abandon this care post. Adult orthodontics is a recurring demand, but is one of the health needs that is very poorly reimbursed in France, analyzes Guillaume Sportiello, health insurance expert at Reassurez-moi.

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The vast majority of contracts do not offer support

This independent brokerage firm conducted a major comparison with more than 100 companies. The observation is simple: the vast majority of contracts do not offer support. Or this is symbolic, with annual envelopes of less than 300 euros. Hundreds of clients therefore contact brokers on this subject each year. Including civil servants and employees, owed from their collective contracts!

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Moneyvox wanted to know if solutions existed. To achieve this, we have imagined a typical profile: an individual contract for a 40-year-old man, residing in the provinces, with different variables (single or father, employee, civil servant or self-employed, etc.).

For several weeks, we requested dozens of quotes from numerous companies. By pretending to be clients, we also solicited brokers to find out about their offers and submit our findings to them. We excluded organizations deemed not serious enough by our contacts.

To sort, the difficulty was to understand the details of the tables, the envelopes and the small lines. The surprise is that the price is not a filter: for equivalent guarantees and profiles, it can vary by a factor of three! We can say it: the world of mutual and health insurance is a jungle, smiles Guillaume Sportiello. There is a lot of competition, thousands of offers. It’s complicated to navigate, especially since people are not often advised on their real needs.

An example: percentages. You would think that with 100%, everything is refunded. It’s not always the case. Because 100% relates to the Social Security reimbursement base: for glasses, this only represents a few euros, for example! Another element to grasp is the nature of the contract. Those responsible coexist with those not responsible. The difference: the latter can change their guarantees and contributions overnight…

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5 interesting contracts

In the end, we identified 5 interesting contracts, accessible only through brokers. Four were suggested to us by Reassure me. Aquaverde has added a supplement, which adds a supplement. Three of these offers are reserved for self-employed workers, who benefit from more comprehensive offers and lower prices. A professional also told us that nothing prohibited, if his professional status allows it, from creating a ghost micro-enterprise to have access to these professional contracts…

For reasonable prices compared to the competition, this top 5 provides for 800 more than 1000 euros for adult orthodontics. Such an amount is the exception in the market, supports the specialist from Reassure Me. In addition, they do not skimp on excess fees, glasses, alternative medicine, dental implants…

Be careful, there are several points to watch out for: a possible waiting period, a constraint on the start of care. You also need to do your calculations carefully. These offers are only interesting if the needs are multiple (overspending, varied care, etc.). It would make no sense for the difference in price with a more basic supplement to exceed the amount of reimbursements!

Last point: these proposals are rarely taken. Contracts available in 2022 or 2023 are no longer open for marketing. Every year, formulas disappear or are significantly modified. Opportunities are here to be seized, before it is too late!

Here, for a 40-year-old man, are the contracts that best reimburse adult orthodontics in 2024.

1: Sant Pro Level 6, responsible contract marketed by April


  • Reserved for self-employed workers
  • Waiting period: none
  • Price: 172.14/month or 2065.68 annually
  • Reimbursement of adult orthodontics: 1250/year

Other reimbursements:

  • Glasses (free offer): from 420 to 650
  • Lenses (free offer): 350
  • Fee overruns: Up to 500%
  • Private room: 130/day
  • Spa treatment: 700
  • Alternative medicine (ostopath, psychologist, acupuncturist…): 240 (4 sessions 60)
  • Hearing aids (Class II): 2000 per ear

Expert analysis of Reassure me:

It’s a fantastic contract. Beyond orthodontics, the other guarantees are stratospheric! 300 to 500% across all sectors of care, including surgery, is considerable. It also contains raised envelopes for glasses or lenses.

2: TNS SANTE A LA CARTE, responsible contract marketed by ACPS


  • Reserved for self-employed workers
  • Waiting period: none
  • Price: 141.51/month or 1698.12 annually
  • Reimbursement of adult orthodontics: 1146/year

Other reimbursements (modulated version to improve the price):

  • Glasses (free offer): from 420,700
  • Lenses (free offer): 100
  • Fee overruns: Up to 200%
  • Private room: 46/day
  • Spa treatment: 458
  • Alternative medicine (ostopath, psychologist, acupuncturist, etc.): 100
  • Hearing aids (Class II): 1800 per ear.

Expert analysis of Reassure me:

It’s an excellent contract. Its classic version offers significant reimbursements on all items. But the most interesting thing is that there is an à la carte formula. We can adjust the increase or decrease of certain positions. In our case, we increased the non-reimbursed dental cost and reduced other treatments to improve the price.

3: Sant Pro Level 5, marketed by April


  • Reserved for self-employed workers
  • Waiting period: none
  • Price: 135.73/month or 1628.76 annually
  • Reimbursement of adult orthodontics: 1000/year

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Other reimbursements:

  • Glasses (free offer): from 350 to 550
  • Lenses (free offer): 350
  • Fee overruns: Up to 380%
  • Private room: 110/day
  • Spa treatment: 550
  • Alternative medicine (ostopath, psychologist, acupuncturist…): 200 (4 sessions 50)
  • Hearing aids (Class II): 1520 per ear

Expert analysis of Reassure me:

This is the lower level of the Sant Pro contract (Top 1 in our ranking), but with still significant reimbursements and a more competitive price.

4: Senior Gan Level 5, responsible contract marketed by: April/GAN


  • Open to all (including non-seniors!)
  • Waiting period: 3 months
  • Price: 125.84/month or 1510.08 annually
  • Reimbursement of adult orthodontics: 950/year

Other reimbursements:

  • Glasses (free offer): from 350 to 500
  • Lenses (free offer): 100
  • Fee overruns: Up to 300%
  • Private room: 100/day
  • Spa treatment: 300
  • Alternative medicine (ostopath, psychologist, acupuncturist, etc.): 160
  • Hearing aids (Class II): 800 per ear

Expert analysis of Reassure me:

This is undoubtedly the best contract for those who are not self-employed workers. Despite its name, this formula is accessible to everyone. The guarantees are very good. The envelope for non-reimbursed dental care is very interesting. You simply need to allow a waiting period of 3 months after joining to benefit from the guarantees.

Bonus: Additional EMOA PLUS Level 3, non-responsible contract marketed by Emoa/Mutelle du Var


  • Open to all, provided they have complementary health insurance
  • Waiting period: none
  • Price: 43.06/month or 516.72 annually
  • Reimbursement of adult orthodontics (adding complementary health insurance): 800/year (900 after 4 years)

Other reimbursements (in addition to the health supplement):

  • Glasses and lenses (free offer): common package of 400 (500 after 4 years).
  • Fee overruns/private room: flat rate of 400
  • Spa treatment: 300
  • Alternative medicine (ostopath, psychologist, acupuncturist, etc.): 160 (4 sessions 40 euros)
  • Hearing aids (Class II): 800

Expert analysis of Reassure me:

EMOA Mutuelle du Var is a recognized organization, but I was not aware of this offer. At this price, reimbursing 800 euros for orthodontics in addition to the rest seems like a good plan. But you have to pay attention to the clauses. This is not a responsible contract, so the price can vary greatly. And it is necessary to have another complement. We will quickly arrive at prices similar to our other contracts, but with non-responsible and less complete guarantees.

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