Who has clues? – Heavily pregnant dog found in a ditch

Luckily, an animal lover from Graz didn’t look away! She secured a mixed-race lady whose origins are still unknown – and who will have young in a few days. Luckily she is now safe at the Adamhof animal shelter.

Nobody wants to believe that this dog, which is heavily pregnant and will give birth in a few days, was simply abandoned, which would have meant that the helpless four-legged friend and the newborns would die of starvation or cold. “But the fact is that no one has for days asks about this very sweet dog. Although we announced this on all possible channels,” says Antonia Schöllauf, who runs the Adamhof animal shelter in Leibnitz with a lot of commitment. The mixed-race lady found a loving welcome there. “She’s not chipped either, we don’t have any clues at the moment.” “I couldn’t leave her lying there.” The four-legged friend was lying in a ditch near Leitring, and he owes his rescue to a woman from Graz: “I was walking there with my dogs, there is “I noticed her and I couldn’t leave her lying there,” said the animal lover. “We asked around in the surrounding area, but couldn’t find an owner.” Because of the huge teats, the woman from Graz also feared that there might still be young in the bushes. But the vet’s diagnosis shows: They’re just coming. Soon! Is there a method for abandoning them? This is the 13th foundling dog to be taken in at the Adamhof this year. Antonia Schöllauf suspects a method behind it that would be incomprehensible: “Alleged animal rights activists who bring in dogs from abroad – but then cannot accommodate them and get rid of them.” The already overcrowded animal shelter is having a hard time getting the new protégé and the babies to be expected Limits, including financial ones. Please donate to: IBAN AT 44 3820 6000 0001 7731, KW Mama Maybe there is a completely different explanation in this case? The owners should contact Adamhof (0664/3503439).
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