Who sons Natacha and Paul, are these two premier children before Charlotte and Lucien?

Avant Charlotte and “Lulu”, Serge Gainsbourg and two children. What are Natacha and Paul?

On ne present plus Charlotte Gainsbourg. On contact with Lucien, he is with Serge Gainsbourg and has Bamboo, his company. Corn saviez-vous qu’What is also the father of Natacha and Paul? La relation très médiatisée de l’interprète de Je t’aime… moi non plus With the actress and chanteuse Jane Birkin is available on the scene of the progéniture, devenue elle-même une grande comédienne.

These songs, the girls of Jane Birkin, are also celebrated: Lou Douillon, actor and chanteuse; and Kate Berry, great photographer in 2013. Charlotte Gainsbourg is in a couple with another personality, the actor and director Yvan Attal (who refuses to marry her for a sad reason). Ensemble, ils ont eu three children. Leur aîné Ben, lui aussi dans le cinéma, s’est montré critique envers son grand-père, qu’il trouvait “dégueulasse”. Mais la “dynasty” chère au heart des Français a laissez dans l’ombre deux membres de la première heure: The two premiers of Serge Gainsbourg.

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Natacha and Paul: the premiers of Serge Gainsbourg

This is April 18, 2024, Paris Match dédie un article à Natacha et Paul, que le journal named “The invisible children of Serge Gainsbourg“. La plus âgée est née en 1964 et a aujourd’hui 59 ans. Paul is born in 1968 and is now 56 years old. This is Françoise-Antoinette Pancrazzi, from Béatrice, décédée in 2014. And it’s the same as the discretion of children: they have everything they need in the media.

Once you have arrived at the age of mannequin, you will be present in your home. The young woman is a collector of ancient cars that lived between Paris and the Oise. Aujourd’hui, ils souhaiteraient rester loin de leur Belle-famille.

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The rapport is compliqués with the beautiful family

Paris Match revèle en effet qu’ils No sont jamais Venus aux réunions de famille et que personne ne les aurait jamais croisés. Ils also refused all contact with Jane Birkin and like Charlotte Gainsbourg or “Lulu”. Dead on July 16, 2023, Jane Birkin received a concert tribute on February 3, 2024, and on the same day. Pour the magazine, she has confided in the relationship with Paul and Natacha in an interview in 2020: “When I lived with Serge, and afterward, I wrote an essay about the rapprochement of two of my children’s premiers. You can easily get a variety of things that are not possible“.

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On les a seulement from the ensemble of Serge Gainsbourg’s adventures in 1991 at the Montparnasse Cemetery. Malgré tout, ils participent à la gestion de la société Melody Nelson Publishing qui exploite le catalog du chanteur, aux côtés notamment de Charlotte et Lulu. Mais ils ont revendu leurs parts of the Maison Gainsbourg, the ancient domicile mythique of the artist rue Verneuil. It is a cultural institution in September 2023 and is open to visitors.

Rédactrice pour Aufeminin depuis 2022, Charlotte is a passionnée de cinéma, French and international, and a liseuse de bonnes adventures. Curieuse de tout, elle parle autant de personnalités que de …

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