Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ?: "Failed" candidate gets second chance

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
"Failed" candidate gets a second chance

Niklas Bayer-Eynck takes another seat with Günther Jauch

Niklas Bayer-Eynck takes another seat with Günther Jauch

© TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius

"Who will be a millionaire?" – candidate Niklas Bayer-Eynck will gamble again with Günther Jauch. RTL gives him a new chance.

RTL gives the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" Candidate Niklas Bayer-Eynck (31) a new chance. On Friday, February 5th, starting at 8:15 p.m., he will sit down again on the chair of moderator Günther Jauch (64) and play again for one million euros. The Dortmund driver fell on Monday, January 11th, after an incorrect answer from 125,000 euros to 1,000 euros. However, the question and the associated, supposedly correct answer was not entirely clear, as the broadcaster now admitted.

Bayer-Eynck was asked who was the groom in the folk song "The Bird Wedding". He decided on the blackbird, but according to the current version of the text, the thrush would have been correct. However, there are older and less well-known variants of the song in which the blackbird is also mentioned as a bridegroom. "I'm really happy that I got a second chance and thank RTL for that," Bayer-Eynck is quoted as saying. He still couldn't believe that he was allowed to play again with Günther Jauch from the beginning.
