Who will be king of the jungle ?: That’s what the stars say in “The Hour After”

Who will be king of the jungle?
That’s what the stars say in “The Hour After”

Manuel Flickinger, Filip Pavlovic and Eric Stehfest (from left) fight for the jungle crown.

© RTL / Stefan Menne

Filip, Eric or Manuel – who goes home with the jungle crown? The celebrity guests in “The Hour After” agree.

Filip Pavlovic (27), Eric Stehfest (32) or Manuel Flickinger (33) – who will be the jungle king of South Africa? This question will be asked this Saturday evening in the grand finale of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” (from 10:15 p.m. live on RTL or RTL+) answered. However, numerous celebrities and ex-jungle campers have after the semifinals on Friday in “The Hour After” already made their predictions.

The same name fell on everyone: Manuel Flickinger. What does the ex-“Prince Charming” candidate bring that the others lack? “I think Manuel will do it because he simply has the broadest story to tell, Filip coming second and Eric third,” says comedian Oliver Pocher (43). Olivia Jones (52) also begrudges Manuel the most: “He gave us what we want to see in the jungle camp: the so-called hero’s journey.”

Micaela Schäfer: “He’s a really great person”

Ex-“Bachelorette” participant David Friedrich (32) also says that Manuel was initially “reserved”, “shy” and “cautious” in the camp, but then “broke through” and “bloomed”.

“Worked up there by the no name and the chick, through really great exams. He was always fair to everyone and stayed completely out of all these arguments,” enthuses moderator Angela Finger-Erben (42). Last but not least, erotic model Micaela Schäfer (38) sums it up: “And he’s just so good, so pure, he’s not predictable, he’s just a really great person and I’ve already taken him to my heart.”


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