who will receive the 100 euros from Ple emploi?

It is tomorrow, Tuesday January 25, that Ple Emploi will start paying the inflation bonus to job seekers. Under certain conditions that we detail here.

After scholarship students, self-employed workers and public and private sector employees, it is around job seekers to touch, starting tomorrow Tuesday 25 January, the inflation allowance (or premium) of 100 euros. Exceptional aid, announced last October and intended to partially offset the impact of the price increase on the budget of the French.

To receive this bonus from Ple emploi, it is not enough to be a job seeker. The public establishment gives details on its website the conditions to fulfill:

  • have you registered Ple emploi on October 31;
  • to have been, on the same date, in active job search, on paid training through employment, on sick leave or on maternity leave
  • receive allowances Ple employment of a amount less than 2000 euros net monthly;
  • not having exercised a professional activity in October 2021;
  • not having received any income from other organizations in October 2021.

If you meet these conditions, the compensation will be paid to you once, without any action on your part, starting tomorrow. You should receive today in your personal space a letter confirming the payment.

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If you are registered with Ple emploi, but you carried out a professional activity last October, you should already have received the inflation bonus in December, from your employer or the URSSAF as the case may be.

Inflation bonus: the payment schedule for the 100 euros

source site-96