who will receive the “gas check” of 100 euros promised by Total?

Leclerc, Intermarché, Casino… Faced with soaring fuel and energy prices, major retailers are stepping up their punches. The latest, the TotalEnergies group announces a check for 100 euros for precarious customers of its gas offer and reductions in petrol stations in rural areas.

Invited to the Microphone of RTL, Patrick Pouyanné, the CEO of TotalEnergies announced that the group’s customers in a situation of “fuel poverty” will receive a check for 100 euros “on the next invoice”, in the form of a credit note.

In line with the “inflation cheque” proposed last December by the government, this new financial boost is intended for the customer of the gas offer of TotalEnergies concerning less than 2,000 euros per monthor nearly 200,000 people.

The announcement comes shortly after the publication of a press release from UFC-Que Choisir, in which the association denounces the end of the 5% discount on the price per kilowatt hour applied by TotalEnergies for customers of its standard gas tariff offer.

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Fuel discount

To cushion the surge in fuel prices, the oil company also announced a discount of 10 cents per liter, a gain of 5 euros on a full 50 liters for motorists. These reductions will be effective for 3 months from the monday 14 february.

However, the reductions only concern a part of the French, since they will be limited to the group’s stations located in rural area, that is to say in the municipalities “of less than 6,000 inhabitants” and “on the roads which connect them”, specified Patrick Pouyanné. In total, 1,150 stations of the group are concerned.

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On Tuesday February 8, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, called on companies in the oil sector to propose initiatives in favor of purchasing power of the French, while gasoline prices are currently reaching record levels.

Several major retailers had already announced promotional operations to ease the passage of motorists to the pump. Leclerc, for example, sells gasoline at cost price every weekend until March 6. Casino, for its part, offered the liter of gasoline at 1 euro from February 4 to 5 in 72 hypermarkets.

Leclerc, Intermarché, Casino… New discounts on gas prices

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