Whole or semi-skimmed milk: which one to choose when you want to lose weight? : Current Woman Le MAG

Whole or semi-skimmed milk: which is the best cow’s milk for health?

Today we know three types of milk, easily recognizable by their different colored caps. Thus, “red” milk refers to whole milk, blue to semi-skimmed milk, green to skimmed milk and yellow to raw milk. Their profile still has many similarities. A liter of milk is rich in protein and carbohydrates. It is also a source of vitamins A, B12 and D. Finally, this liter is rich in calcium. To fully understand the difference between whole and semi-skimmed milk, you must remember that:

  • Whole milk: contains a lipid level of approximately 36 g per liter. It is rich and caloric;
  • Semi-skimmed milk is consumed by the majority of French people. As indicated by his name, this milk has a fat content reduced by half. We generally count between 15 and 18 g per liter. This would be the most interesting compromise between taste and health. Thus, 100 ml per liter would cover 15% of the recommended nutritional intake of calcium, 10% of the recommended daily intake of B12 and 5% of vitamin A, in adults.

Thus, with similar benefits, some people prefer to opt for semi-skimmed milk as part of weight loss. But is it a good idea?

How many calories in milk?

To prepare semi-skimmed milk, part of the fat from whole milk is removed. This is why blue milk contains less fat than its red counterpart: 3.5% compared to 1.5%. This means that a glass of whole milk contains 5.4g of fat while a glass of semi-skimmed milk contains 2.2g. The latter is therefore considered a low-fat product.

If you are paying attention to your figure, it may be better to opt for semi-skimmed milk which contains less fat and fewer calories than whole milk.

However, a glass of cow’s milk will not help you lose weight. Likewise, a healthy diet is about more than counting calories. You must ensure that you provide enough essential nutrients every day. A glass of milk can contain as many calories as a glass of soda; milk provides important nutrients that soft drinks do not.

A glass of semi-skimmed milk is a good option, it provides you with proteins, vitamins and minerals while avoiding ingesting too much fat and calories.

What are the benefits of milk?

Whole or semi-skimmed milk is an excellent source of calcium. This plays a beneficial role in the composition of the skeleton and helps prevent certain diseases such as osteoporosis. It also provides protein and a good supply of vitamins B12 and B2. Some experts say that drinking milk every day reduces the risk of high blood pressure and colon cancer. Lactose affects the development of intestinal flora.

For the heart and arteries, it would be better to favor skimmed milk, which does not contain any trace of saturated fat, known to increase the risk of stroke.

“Some people may be lactose intolerant, this intolerance is caused by difficulty digesting lactose due to lack of enzymatic activity. Lactose will ferment in the intestine and cause bloating and diarrhea. This intolerance can be occasional or permed” explains Sophie Pichat, dietician and nutritionist.

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