Why bosses should accompany the grief of employees

Work stoppages linked to the bereavement of a loved one cost the public finances 700 million euros each year.

As a corollary to the health crisis, employee absenteeism, linked to the death of a loved one, is increasing sharply in companies. It went from 43% in 2019 to 67% in 2021, according to a study by Credoc. One out of three absences results in work stoppages lasting an average of 34 days, representing 700 million euros in daily allowances each year. A cost to public finances that could be reduced if the subject of mourning at work were better understood. In a white paper presented this Tuesday to the National Assembly, the Empreintes association makes several proposals, which are the fruit of the work carried out since June 2021 as part of the “Mourning at work” meeting. According to Marie Tournigand, general delegate of the association, “ the organization of bereavement care at work is an extremely divisive subject, and all the subtlety is to know where to place the cursor between what concerns the private sphere and the professional sphere “.


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