why Claude could well claim his jackpot


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If the Koh-Lanta final, on TF1, took place on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, the cheating cases that have tarnished this 2021 edition continue to make people talk. What if Claude, supposed to be the big winner, could claim the sum he was deprived of?

The 2021 edition of Koh-Lanta: the legend made viewers tremble. Between the cheating, the threats of strike of the candidates if they did not have pain au chocolat and, above all, the jackpot of the big winner which was donated to the Bertrand-Kamal Foundation, former deceased candidate of pancreatic cancer in 2020, there were many twists and turns. A winner should have been elected following the votes of the candidates, canceled by the production because of cheating: Claude Dartois.

If the latter has not received the sum of 100,000 euros, usually paid to the winner of Koh-Lanta, would he be entitled to claim this money? Our colleagues from Parisian asked a lawyer, Maître Jérémie Assous, a specialist in employment contracts for this type of program. “To deprive Claude of his victory and of the 100,000 euros of gain, it is illegal and discriminatory. He could very well oppose this sanction to the industrial tribunal and to the penal”, he explains to the Parisian, before adding: “You cannot make an employee work 24 hours a day or deprive him of food outside working hours. Regardless of the candidates’ consent, it is forbidden to organize such working conditions.”

On Twitter, Élisa Rojas, lawyer in labor law and disabled activist, also discusses the legitimacy of the candidates of Koh Lanta to go on strike. “They are employees. They have used their right to strike. Examples to follow …”, she writes.

Read also : Cheating in Koh-Lanta: unaware that he is being filmed, Claude drops a bomb

Claude emerges from the silence and speaks after the Koh-Lanta final

Following the final of Koh Lanta, Claude Dartois spoke via his Instagram account. “In the current context of doubts, of mistrust, of the media which have been unleashed on me since day one, the turn of this fourth adventure could have no other end. The truth about our actions, your beliefs, I leave you to you do them. I do not participate in a sporting and human adventure for the controversy, the light or the buzz “, can we read.

Claude also returned on 100,000 euros that he ultimately did not touch. The star of Koh Lanta respect this choice. “I am very happy that the sum of 100,000 euros is donated to the Bertrand Kamal association. This whole story ends in a good deed and that will be my last word.” No doubt that, even if he has the rights, he will not therefore claim the sum he could have won.

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