“Why does a man become a gynecologist?” And other thorny questions for gynecologists

“Why does a man become a gynecologist?”
And other thorny questions for gynecologists

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Fortunately, our author is not embarrassed. That’s why she attacked a couple of gynecologists with long overdue questions. They answered – albeit anonymously.

by Hannah S Fricke

How does a man come up with this career aspiration?

There are as many answers for this as there are gynecologists. Most are fascinated by how interesting and versatile gynecology is. A gynecologist is an internist, surgeon, endocrinologist and oncologist rolled into one. In general, a gynecologist is the superman of the medical profession. In no other job do situations turn around as quickly, as often and as complicated as in obstetrics. When midwives make mistakes, two lives are at stake. At least.

Are there men who turn their hobby into a job?

They really do exist, the medical students who succumb to the misconception that as a gynecologist their everyday life is perpetual 3-D porn in which they are actors and spectators in one. This can even go well for a few years. But at some point they got fed up. Note: if you can’t get enough at first, you’ll soon have too much.

Can a gynecologist see how much sex his patient has had?

No, he can’t. He can’t see which one either. (Yeah, that’s good news, huh?) The rare exception is postmenopausal women. During menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen decreases. And that can cause the vagina to shrink. Sometimes so severe that even a vaginal examination is no longer possible. On the other hand, only estrogen helps on the spot – or mechanical stretching. Say: sex. So: After the menopause, in exceptional cases, the width of the vagina can provide information about whether the patient has had sex – or at least a well-functioning vibrator. However, the probability that a gynecologist would be interested in this at all is negligible.

How does a gynecologist manage to resist temptation?

That’s easy. Anyone who has ever gone to the sauna as a woman, to the nudist beach or anywhere else where you were confronted with an oversupply of junk knows that it’s not always nice. And rarely, if ever, does it trigger the urgent need for immediate intercourse. This is no different with gynecologists and their view of the matter.

As a gynecologist, do you also get immoral applications?

That actually happens. The full program. From cursory offers to hardcore stalking. However, this rarely finds the approval of the affected gynecologists. It is also clear to good doctors that the women do not mean them as a person, but their role. The patients don’t know anything about their doctors. All they know is that the man they desire is the only one who listens to them, understands them, helps them, and is always respectful and caring. This sometimes leads to misunderstandings. Rather not for love.

Do patients sometimes ask if they are pretty down there?

More and more often even – although there is seldom any real cause for concern. Unnerved by partners or porn, many wonder if their genitals are not good, not beautiful enough, or in some other way in need of correction. And because they don’t have the same opportunities for comparison as men at the urinal, they like to ask someone who knows: their gynecologist.

Are there any gynecologists who don’t like women?

Sometimes you get that impression. And in fact, the profession attracts a – fortunately very small – group of men who have problems with women. Dominance issues to be precise. Nowhere is a woman more at the mercy of a man than in the chair of a gynaecologist. Lying on your back like a cockchafer and exposing parts of your anatomy that aren’t generally intended can be uncomfortable. And that’s exactly what picks him up, the dominator of women. Because he supposedly ventures into worlds that other men have never seen before. And because the woman depends on him. That gives him something. Generally something that women out there in the real world don’t want to give him. Because these doctors lack any empathy, they often leave their patients traumatized. Good that the others are in the majority.


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