Why does Warzone not offer FOV on console?

A Warzone developer recently explained why FOV change is still not available on console.

Ever since Warzone launched in March 2020, console gamers everywhere have been clamoring for more freedom when it comes to field of view (FOV).

While this feature is available to PC players, allowing them to extend their field of view to have a wider periphery, console players have been stuck at 80 FOV since day one of Warzone.

This difference obviously offers a clear advantage to PC players, which is particularly cumbersome especially in the era of crossplay.


Console players have been asking for the addition of FOV in Warzone since launch.

And recently, during a Q&A with popular streamer FaZe Swagg, a Battle Royale developer explained why FOV is still not available on console.

We still have a very large portion of our players who come from previous generation consoles.” explains the dev. “If we implement it, then the FOV will lower the frame rate (FPS), and then introduce potential bugs and crashes.

He pursues : “If we only implement it on next-gen consoles, what worries us is that it will continue to drive a wedge between players even more. It’s hard to argue, for us anyway, that a wider FOV allows you to see more, and if a large portion of our audience is on the latest generation of consoles, then they’ll be at a disadvantage. I’m afraid we’re making the experience even more toxic.

As the developer explains during this interview with the streamer, in the current state of things, adding FOV to Warzone therefore seems impossible.

With Warzone 2 rumored to release in the near future, players are now hoping that the FOV slider will finally be available on console when it releases.

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