Why is the British Royal Family banned from playing Monopoly?


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The British royal family is subject to a whole host of rules of protocol, sometimes classic, sometimes strange. Among them, the ban on playing Monopoly. Why ?

The origin of Monopoly has long been traced to a man, Charles Barrow, in 1930. But in reality, it was a woman, Lizzy Maggie Philips, who created the concept of Monopoly in 1904 as the “Owner’s Game”. ”, As the chronicle“ Historically yours ”by David Castello-Lopez recalls, on Europe 1. If this game is very popular, the Queen of England has banned it within Buckingham Palace. famous board game was to denounce monopolies (economic as real estate), one can easily imagine that it does not mix well with the monopoly of power embodied by the monarchy.

So maybe that’s part of why Monopoly is banned at Buckingham Palace. But it is not the only reason. Indeed, according to Femina version, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, considers it too “vicious” a game and a source of disputes. In addition, the values ​​of accumulation and greed, which are the salt of its rules, do not agree with those of the Anglican religion, practiced by the sovereign and her descendants. queen So it was purely and simply banned from the palace. If the royals want to have fun together, they better go for a bridge or a good ol ‘Pictionary.

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