why opt for the rule of four gifts for Christmas


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Overcrowded toy stores are no incentive to curb overconsumption. If there are those that Santa Claus spoils more than the others on December 25, it is the little ones, effervescent in front of the mountains of gifts which are allotted to them.

To empower children, then collapsed under presents whose usefulness can be debated, and to restrict parents’ excessive spending, the fashion is for the “four gifts”. This concept born in the United Kingdom, and adopted by many families, meets four criteria (want, need, wear, read). The rule is to offer a gift requested by the child, another that he needs, something that he can wear (sometimes replaced by an outing, a shared hobby) and something to read. Asked by Point, Saturday December 11, the psychoanalyst Valérie Sengler approved this trend.

The benefits are numerous: economic, ecological, symbolic. “There is no point in covering the children with gifts. A single and beautiful present is more than enough. If he is too spoiled, the child does not learn frustration. From an early age, he must learn to make choices, to have disappointments, not to see all his desires satisfied.“, indicated the psychoanalyst who officiates in Paris and Saint-Mandé.

“The little ones always end up getting bored of the material”

Limiting gifts would only have a positive impact on children: “They run from one gift to another, tear open the wrappers and move on to the next like supercharged robots. This phenomenon can even cause like a psychic explosion. The end of the year celebrations should be a time spent together. Parents are there to create memories for their children, the little ones always get bored of the material. “A recommendation soon to be applied by the French?

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