Why this crypto cycle is different

In this article you will learn:

  • Why investing in crypto is becoming more treacherous
  • What new strategies investors need to know
  • How the bull market could continue

The crypto sector has long seen itself as a close-knit community. WAGMI – “We’re all gonna make it” is not the saying for nothing. Once the bull market arrives, you can make money together with your fellow Degens – or lose it. “Us against the rest of the world” was the prevailing sentiment. At least that’s how it was in past crypto cycles.

But since the launch of the spot Bitcoin ETFs, the mood has changed. The new demographic: a divided mob. On the one hand, Bitcoin, the new darling of institutions. On the other, massive airdrop farming, venture capital that ensures overpriced token launches – and a memecoin mania like no other.

So is this PvP (player vs. player) market crypto’s new reality? And what does this mean for retail investors? A critical look at the health of the sector and the biggest pitfalls of this crypto cycle.

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