why you shouldn’t throw away your corks after opening the bottles

After opening a bottle of sparkling wine or champagne, the cork most of the time ends up in the trash because it can no longer be used to re-cork the container. On TikTok, a user shares a tip he spotted in restaurant kitchens that inspired him to never throw away a cork again. Explanations.

For a special occasion, a birthday or even a festive meal on the occasion of Christmas or New Year’s Eve, it is sometimes customary to uncork a bottle of champagne or sparkling wine, drinks appreciated during moments of celebration. If you are a fan of these sparkling drinks, be careful to consume them in moderation and to respect a few rules in order to enhance your tastings. Indeed, many of us make this mistake with champagne which should be avoided, according to sommelier experts.

Once the bottle is uncorked, the cork from sparkling wine or champagne bottles most of the time ends up in the trash. An error according to this user TikTok at the head of the account @Aboutoeat who shares a tip he discovered in restaurant kitchens and is likely to facilitate your preparations when you receive guests for a special event such as Christmas dinner.

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How to use the cork in cooking?

According to this Internet user, It is better not to throw away your corks after opening bottles of champagne, crémants and other sparkling wines because they can be very practical in the kitchen. It was after having the opportunity to witness the way of working of chef Motokichi Yukimura, in Kyoto, that this user TikTok started saving the corks from his bottles to use in cooking.

When the kitchen is busy, who hasn’t burned their fingers trying to grab the metal lid of a pan on the stove? An unpleasant situation that can lead to all kinds of chain reactions, which can however be easily avoided by cleverly using corks from bottles of sparkling drinks and other wines. In the video shared on TikTokwe can see the Internet user place a cork under the metal handle of your saucepan lid.

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Unlike metal which is conductive, cork is a thermal insulator: there is no risk of burning yourself by grabbing the lid of a pot using the cork ingeniously placed under the handle. A very simple tip to implement and which can prove very practical during your culinary preparations. There is no doubt that after this, you will no longer look at corks the same way.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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