Will “House of the Dragon” become the new “Game of Thrones”?

Never before has the American pay channel HBO spent so much money on a series episode as it did on “House of the Dragon”. Starting today, the highly anticipated TV series is available to watch.

Now they’re flying again: The “GoT” follow-up series “House of the Dragon” is based on a proven recipe for success.


“When the legend becomes fact, print the legend” is a famous quote from film history: the sentence – “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend!” – from John Ford’s late western «The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance» (1962) about the eternal problem when stories take on a life of their own and create their own truth, beautifully outlines the world of «Game of Thrones» («GoT», 2011– 2019): In the end, the myth that had developed around this American hit series long ago overwrote the actual story.

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