Windows 11: soon 3 update packs for features, online services and web experience

Noellie Mautaint

February 06, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.


Windows 11 Logo © Microsoft

© Microsoft

Microsoft will somewhat upset the maintenance of Windows 11
. In addition to its updates usual, the new operating system
will benefit from three additional update packs.

Three packs, for three different verticals: functionalities, online services and web experience.

Three new update packs coming soon

Small change in the follow-up to Windows 11. Like its predecessor, the new operating system benefits from monthly cumulative updates focusing on security and bug fixes, which are deployed as part of the traditional Patch Tuesdays
scheduled every second Tuesday of the month. In addition, there is a single annual feature update, but the Redmond company is planning new ways to bring new or even experimental features.

The information was found by ZDNet, who unearthed a phrase in Microsoft’s latest blog post stating that three packs of updates are in the pipeline, including for features and online services. ” We will be rolling out new feature and experience updates from the Dev and Beta channels through the Features, Online Service Experience and Web Experience packs “said the Redmond firm.

What will these three packs include?

More concretely, Microsoft should adopt three additional channels to deploy new features on Windows 11. The “ Feature Experience (Features) will deliver broad feature enhancements, complementary to those in the core updates and spanning multiple areas. Conversely, the ” Online Service Experience (Online Services) will focus more on improvements for a specific experience like “ a new page in Your Account located in Settings “says Microsoft. Both will be available through Windows Update, while the ” Web Experience (Web Experience) will arrive via the Microsoft Store. No information is known about their content, but they could offer updates, or at least maintenance, of web applications (WA, UWP, Android, etc.).

This semi-announcement is not so much a surprise, since Microsoft has been hinting for some time that Windows 11 would go further than just an annual feature update. For more concrete details, however, we will have to wait. We know, however, that these new features could arrive either through complete updates to the operating system, or with cumulative updates. In addition, the Redmond firm has confirmed that the Insider channels will remain the same as the Dev, Beta and Release Preview.

Windows 11

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Windows 11

  • Graphical redesign of the successful interface
  • Improved snap
  • Effective anchor groups

To be completely honest, Windows 11 seems to us to be a good evolution of Windows 10. Beyond the very marketing aspect linked to the surprise effect (Windows 10 was presented as the last of the last, remember) and to the essentially graphical redesign of the interface, the update brings a bit of clarity and modernity that are welcome after six years spent with an OS designed to reconcile Microsoft and its audience. We also like the discreet details that make it more functional, such as the improved snap and anchor groups, or even the refined management of virtual desktops. Finally, we are really convinced by the redesign of the Microsoft Store. By agreeing to return to the exclusivity reserved for UWPs, Microsoft is effectively hitting where it is not expected and finally compels itself to catch up on Apple and Google.

To be completely honest, Windows 11 seems to us to be a good evolution of Windows 10. Beyond the very marketing aspect linked to the surprise effect (Windows 10 was presented as the last of the last, remember) and to the essentially graphical redesign of the interface, the update brings a bit of clarity and modernity that are welcome after six years spent with an OS designed to reconcile Microsoft and its audience. We also like the discreet details that make it more functional, such as the improved snap and anchor groups, or even the refined management of virtual desktops. Finally, we are really convinced by the redesign of the Microsoft Store. By agreeing to return to the exclusivity reserved for UWPs, Microsoft is effectively hitting where it is not expected and finally compels itself to catch up on Apple and Google.

Source: Neowin

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