“With Fourniret, you had to obey, that’s all”, his chilling reaction to this new testimony

Monique Olivier is currently on trial for the murders of Joanna Parrish, Marie-Angèle Domèce and Estelle Mouzin. A piano teacher delivers a new testimony. Explanations.

While Monique Olivier is in the middle of a trial, a piano teacher has given a new testimony. In 1998, Emi A, who was still a piano student at the time, was contacted by Michel Fourniret. The serial killer asks him to giving piano lessons to his son Sélim, then aged 9. A first meeting is set up in front of the young woman’s home. “They spoke kindly”, she remembers before describing Monique Olivier as “an enthusiastic woman who talked a lot”.

“They were polite, kind, smiling. The lady spoke a lot more than the gentleman, but their son seemed very absent,” explains the woman who escaped a disastrous fate. Despite this good impression, the piano teacher is wary. Indeed, the couple lives in Sart-Custinne, 130 kilometers from Liège where Emi lives. “They wanted me to give the lesson at their place, not at home (…) far from my home,” explains the piano teacher. They offered to come pick me up.” A rather surprising choice which will alert him.

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Monique Olivier reacts to this testimony

Furthermore, Emi is of South Korean origin and only spoke English in 1998. She therefore questions the couple’s reasons for choosing her as their teacher. Despite the insistence of Michel Fourniret and Monique Olivier, Emi declines the proposal. “I ended up writing them a postcard to say I was giving up and moving.” 5 years later, in 2003, Emi discovered Michel Fourniret’s photo in the press and understood everything.

“I’m glad you’re here, that you refused,” reacted Monique Olivier during her trial. Before declaring: “I apologize for what happened.” Emi’s testimony contradicts the statements of Monique Olivier who always claimed to be submissive to her ex-husband. “With Fourniret, you had to obey that’s all. Yes Selim was used but not at my request. It was his father’s idea to supposedly learn music”, she explains.

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