With these 3 behaviors you unconsciously hurt others

You hurt others with it, even though you mean well with them

© Alice Day / Shutterstock

Sure, of course YOU don’t want to hurt anyone. Only the others don’t want that either – and it happens anyway. We clarify why.

Disregarding bad people and energy vampires, most people generally mean well with their fellow human beings. Almost nobody wants to hurt others and yet we often hurt each other – as almost everyone probably knows from personal experience.

The biggest crux here: Sometimes the most hurtful things are those that we mean well. To name just three examples …

3 things that you use to hurt others without wanting to

1. Put problems into perspective

  • “In three weeks you will be laughing at it!”
  • Other people have much worse problems! ”
  • “You have already survived completely different things!”

Such attempts at consolation are usually meant nicely, but rarely go down well with those affected. Because even if there is usually something to the statements, they give those in need of consolation the feeling that their problems are not being taken seriously, that they are a drama queen or that they are so weak that they burden things that others perceive as trifles. So even if it is true that we often overestimate our problems and get involved – this knowledge only helps if we have it ourselves. Hearing it from others, on the other hand, hurts a lot.

2. Get false hopes

  • “It was really nice, I’ll get in touch.”
  • “Maybe we can repeat that on occasion.”
  • “Thank you for hearing from us.”

Almost everyone has probably already been told something like this – and then never heard from the other person again. But somebody out of apparent kindness and consideration or because you don’t want to be the ass giving bad news, giving false hopes, is the nastiest thing you can do. Regardless of whether it’s a job or a relationship. Because while the hopeful waits in vain, he wastes his time and energy. He broods, may suggest or hold out other options, is emotionally troubled and insecure. Then it’s better to be the ass for once and say “it didn’t work with me, I don’t see any point in pursuing this” than to pull yourself out of the affair with an angelic face.

3. Protect from the truth

  • “Of course I was loyal to you, really!”
  • “With you I have an orgasm every time.”
  • “Oh my god! I’m so happy for you!”

Sometimes we lie to people we love believing that it is better for them. But mostly it’s better for us in the first place. Of course, if you’ve had an affair, for example, it’s a very individual decision whether or not to confess it to the other person, and in individual cases it can be right not to do it. But most of the time the truth either comes to light at some point and hurts twice what has been lied to – because the lie also breaches trust.

Or it stands subliminally between those involved and puts a strain on the relationship. Because if, for example, you can’t honestly say to a good friend: “Wow, you can do everything! I’m happy for you, but I’m a little jealous too …”, the negative feelings will smolder beneath the surface. And if she doesn’t know anything about it, she can’t take it into account.

Admittedly, no person will ever be able to completely and at any time prevent hurting others. Nobody can always think about everything, after all we are all just people with our own problems and packages. But in order to keep injuries to others as low as possible, it can help to ask yourself a simple question: If I were in the situation of my counterpart, what would be best for me? Often we are doing our fellow human beings a bigger favor with this alone than with most (other) of our good intentions …


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