With this train ticket you travel for free throughout Europe

Register quickly: With this train ticket, you can travel throughout Europe for free

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It doesn’t always have to be by plane: If you want to travel in Europe, you can also do so by train. The EU is therefore giving away 35,000 tickets for the Interrail, with which you can travel through numerous countries. But there’s a catch.

Last year, the EU Commission gave away 50,000 tickets. Until
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023
can you look at the
DiscoverEU website
now apply for the next round, in which 35,000 more Interrail tickets will be given away.

To where:
With the so-called travel pass you can travel to up to four EU countries – mainly by train, sometimes by bus or ferry. However, you pay for your own accommodation and meals. The trip can last up to 30 days and must take place between June 15, 2023 and September 30, 2024.

: Around 35,000 tickets can be applied for by EU nationals or nationals of Erasmus+ countries born between June 1st, 2004 (inclusive) and June 30th, 2005 (inclusive). Individuals or groups of up to five people can register. The tickets are distributed according to the population of the states – so there are relatively many for Germany. Disabled people can apply for help, such as an accompanying person.

You can until March 29, 2023
apply online
. Applicants must provide details of their planned travel and answer five quizzes. As a tie-breaker, you also have to estimate how many applications there will be – this is used to make the selection if there are more applications with correct answers than travel passes.

How come:
The “DiscoverEU” campaign goes back to the idea of ​​activists to give every EU citizen an Interrail ticket on their 18th birthday to familiarize young people with the continent and its cultures. The participants should report on their travel experiences as “ambassadors”, for example via social media such as Instagram or at a lecture in their school.

What does this cost
: The EU spent 12 million euros on this last year. If the EU Parliament and Council agree, a total of 700 million euros could be available for further travel between 2021 and 2027 – that would mean Interrail tickets for around 1.5 million young Europeans.


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