Without dents through the summer: This is how you get rid of cellulite quickly

Fight cellulite
This sport is the most effective!

© Maridav / Shutterstock

Yes, the stupid dents are annoying. But there is good news: Where there are muscles, there is no room for fat cells – and just a few minutes of crisp strength training a day can help fight cellulite.

Fight cellulite: these sports are as effective as possible!

Muscles put you in a good mood – and can help you feel better. Because where there are muscles, orange peel has a bad hand. The female need for more muscle strength is growing steadily, according to Ingo Froböse, professor at the German Sport University Cologne.

And it’s not about a bodybuilder silhouette: “I’ve been observing for some time that women want to be more athletic. They now know that there is no reason to be afraid of Popeye arms if you train properly. There are muscles 13 percent heavier than fat, but firmer, and they displace the fat cells. Nobody has to be afraid of gaining weight. “

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Muscles displace fat cells

A simple concept: those who build muscle fibers displace the fat cells. This is exactly where the C-word comes into play: cellulite. The main reason for orange peel is the loss of elasticity of the connective tissue, due to which the fatty tissue can spread more easily and pushes upwards through the rod-shaped strands of connective tissue. In addition, women have thinner skin than men, more fat on their thighs due to hormonal factors and are more likely to store water in the tissue.

“A combination of strength and endurance training stimulates the biochemistry of the metabolism, drains and improves the inner workings of the muscles,” explains Professor Froböse.

The result: the orange peel becomes less hilly. The dents will not go away completely, but you can soften them and prevent new ones from appearing.

Train short and sweet

Can you really work out cellulite? according to studies Intensive, short training revs up the energy metabolism much faster as moderate strength and endurance training. Many workout programs, such as the “Short Intensive Training” “SIT” with approx. 18 minutes, are based on this principle. The workout was developed by Hamburg sports expert Marco Santoro – it should be completed three to four times a week.

Also Regeneration days are important because the muscle only grows during the recovery period. Since it is really (!) Exhausting, untrained people should start with a one-month acclimatization phase (e.g. to jog or light workout; then start with half of the specified sentences and increase slowly). Those who are already more trained can start immediately.

Fight cellulite – our insider tips

To try out, we have selected a “SIT” unit for you with the four best tighteners for your buttocks and legs. Plus nutrition and beauty tips. Well then summer can come …

Even more tips for each body region: Do you want to lose weight on your stomach? These exercises will help you! Lose weight with yoga – fatburn the gentle way. Also: 3 exercises with which you can get rid of your love handles.

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