Wolfgang Lippert: What he particularly appreciates about his wife Gesine

Wolfgang Lippert dedicated a love song to his wife Gesine on his new album. The two have been a couple for 17 years.

He was one of the most popular entertainers in the GDR: singer and presenter Wolfgang Lippert (68) is back musically after eight years. After his album "Lippi geht" (2012) he will release the new longplayer "Glücklich" on Friday (September 18th). The former "Wetten, dass ..?" Presenter dedicates a love song to his wife Gesine. "What I value about Gesine is her character, her beauty and her tolerance," he enthuses in an interview with the news agency spot on news and looks back on his successful career.

Your album is simply called "Happy". What are you happy about right now?

Wolfgang Lippert: About the wonderful phase of life I'm in right now, about the fact that I am healthy and have a great wife, family and friends. Finally met my producer Nobert again and recorded wonderful music with him. And despite the Corona crisis "toi toi toi" have to do well.

In 2012 you released your last album, eight years later you are back with a new long player. Do you want to concentrate more on the music again?

Lippert: Yes, I am happy that music is once again part of my overall constellation, alongside TV work and my live work at the Störtebeker Festival. I'm just happy to have a great, modern, fluffy repertoire again.

Your music is sparkling with lightness and optimism. Why is this so important to you in these times?

Lippert: I consider myself an optimist and am therefore the one who always has a half-full glass in front of him. In difficult times in particular, it is important to remain optimistic. That you see every day as a gift, that you see many things as gifts. That you don't lose your grip on the ground. And despite all the individual problems that many of us have, we in Germany live in a very comfortable situation.

"I love blonde hair for 17 years" is a declaration of love to your wife Gesine. What do you particularly like about her?

Lippert: I appreciate Gesine her character, her beauty and her tolerance. Also the way she deals with things, also with me. Gesine was recently asked what it was like to live with someone who is often on the go and is a "jack of all trades"? She replied: "You need a big heart!" It hits exactly.

What is the secret of your love happiness?

Lippert: You have probably heard that often from couples, but it cannot be taken for granted. Important for us are respect, loyalty, respect for the other – and to be careful that the partner is always up to date with the experiences of the other. Even if we are separated from time to time for work, we make calls several times a day.

You have been active in the TV industry for 40 years. What has changed over the years?

Lippert: A lot has changed, but for me it was always important to stay in time and want to participate. To change myself, to redefine myself and to relate myself to something again. But one thing has always remained important – namely the content.

What do you think of today's TV program? What do you like to watch and where do you prefer to turn away?

Lippert: I regularly watch the news ("Tagesschau"), the "Tatort", films with Horst Krause, every now and then my own show, documentaries, animal films and I never miss a film or series when my buddy Stumphi (Wolfgang Stumph) is there .

One of your greatest TV successes is "Ein Kessel Buntes". What memories do you associate with the show?

Lippert: The nice thing is that I am reminded eight or nine times a year because I am still allowed to moderate the series "Ein Kessel Buntes" in a modern form in the MDR. That's why I meet these artists from back then to a large extent in the now and today and these are my memories, if you will.

Of course, I myself can remember my own "Kessel", which I moderated live from the Cottbus town hall. During the dance rehearsals with the TV ballet I tore my muscles, but in the evening I gritted my teeth and continued moderating. It wasn't that easy. But despite the unforeseen "handicap" I enjoyed the evening – it was a great show with many great guests and activities.

Are there any new TV projects coming up in the near future?

Lippert: We are currently recording new seasons of the MDR programs "Kessel Buntes" and "Back then it was".

Your mother celebrated her 100th birthday in May, but you could only celebrate her from afar. Is it now possible to visit again?

Lippert: Yes, a visit is possible. Every day there is at least one phone call and we were even able to celebrate the birthday with the distance rules in their "pensioner flat" – that's what I always call it. Even with my dear friend and colleague Frank Schöbel.

What are you particularly grateful to your mother for?

Lippert: For their love, their generosity, for their mother tongue and for their education.

The entire culture industry was hit hard by the Corona crisis. How are you personally in the crisis?

Lippert: Personally, I am doing better than many other colleagues because in addition to the many live events that have been canceled, I also have my TV programs. These are studio productions that can also be carried out under corona conditions.

How has the crisis changed your everyday life?

Lippert: I adhere to distance rules and regulations and I appreciate the good health system we have. Overall, I try to fill this time with other meaningful things. Together with Norbert Endlich, I not only recorded the new album, we are also working on new forms of live programs: appearances on a smaller scale that will be a mixture of lecture and music.

Do you ever think about retirement?

Lippert: Nope!
