women facing a taboo

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Hot flashes, mood swings, irregular cycles, weight gain. If you experience one or more of these signs that you feel a change in your body, you may be in premenopause. You do not know ? You are not the only one. If many women say they are insufficiently informed about menopause, it is even worse about perimenopause, which lasts up to 8 years and precedes the definitive cessation of menstruation which formalizes menopause.

Is menopause still taboo? We can ask ourselves the question when we see the few studies on the subject. It occurs on average at age 51 in women (this is an average; it can occur earlier or later), and is preceded by a phase called pre or perimenopause which can last several years, a phase during which women are very alone with their questions, and the changes they notice in their bodies.

How do I know if I am affected? The first thing to know is that 100% of women will be affected by menopause. After 45 years, on the occasion of the appointment with your gynecologist, if you experience one of these signs, the best thing is to talk about it. “It’s normal, a biological and physiological phenomenon like in adolescence.”

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Femininity = motherhood, a diabolical equation

Why do we see it badly? “It is a cultural effect to associate femininity with motherhood as if being a woman meant being a mother… This diabolical equation contributes to the malaise of many women in their fifties. The anguish of women is to tell themselves that the days when I no longer have my periods, I am no longer a woman in the full sense”. A devastating cultural representation for women who already feel destabilized in this phase of profound change, analyzes Natacha Dzikowski.

Menopause: how to live it well?

Alongside hormonal treatment, other solutions exist, natural solutions to help you live well during this period, explains Natacha Dzikowski. These are plants, so the result may take longer to be felt for those concerned… but allow positive effects to be obtained in the face of hot flashes and mood swings.

Natacha Dzikowski is the author of Beautiful and well in her age at Leduc editions.

director of aufeminin

Journalist for 15 years, former editor and director of collections, worked for Plurielles.fr, Closer.fr, Gala.fr. Passionate about all forms of storytelling, I particularly appreciate the digital to be at the …

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