Women's Habits in Summer | BRIGITTE.de

Women fart, women sweat and sometimes they do things that are really strange. Especially in summer! And we are sure that you have done it before.

Women are fabulous. No matter what it is about. Okay, at least most of the time. Especially in summer there are strange situations here and there where we do things that we would NEVER talk about. But the fact is: every woman does it or has done it before. Bet you too?

1. The sweat test

Each of you knows the problem: You have the feeling of sweating, but don't know 100 percent? The sweat test tells you. Yes, it is true. We women test with our hands whether we sweat under the arms. It is no different among the breasts. Here too, a targeted grip is enough to find out whether the shower is really worth it after work. And yes, if we actually sweat, we just wipe the shit off with our hands. What the hell – everyone does that!

2. Wear the bra longer

Continuous heat for two days and we sweat ourselves dead. It is logical that we wear a different top every day. However, this does not apply to the bra. We wear it for five days straight – no matter how much we sweat. Delicious!

3. Pavement feet

Blisters on our feet are our daily bread in summer. It bleeds here, the skin peels off. But that in no way can prevent us women from continuing to wear sandals, flip flops and Co. Even if our feet look like we have lived in the forest for three years, we can show them off without any problems. Pavement on it and the matter is settled. We can handle this without problems until the next pedicure!

4. Shoes off!

There is nothing more relaxed than taking off your shoes at your desk at work. What we totally forget: shoes and sweat are not a good combination. It sometimes happens that we unintentionally fog our colleagues with the smell of our feet. And we admit that we too perceive this odor, which takes some getting used to. But airy and cool feet are just more important to us at this moment. After all, you have to set priorities …

5. Powder sweat

Even the best makeup looks after six hours of work at 30 degrees as if it had never been there. It does not matter! We just add another layer. And we do that until we take off our make-up in the evening. Of course, we are totally aware that it is theoretically not sooo hygienic to keep sweating with our clean brushes and sponges. But we do it anyway. Who wants to shine like a bacon rind ?!

6. Bare legs on the upholstery

At the hairdresser, in the café or on the subway. As soon as we sit on bare legs on smooth upholstery, we know exactly what is going to happen. We sweat – and do it hard. We are definitely not alone in this. There is nothing worse than getting up from your seat and finding a sea of ​​sweat. So we are ashamed of ourselves, but actually hope that nobody will see it. But what is much worse: We are definitely not the only ones who have already sweated this chair. Any questions?

7. Layer nail polish

Yesterday it was still raining and today it's suddenly summer. Of course we get the sandals from the far corner. However, a look at the nail polish on our feet tells us that we shouldn't wear it. Oh whatever! We simply brush a fifth layer of nail polish over the old remains on our toenails. Nobody notices. ?
