“World brand” is to be created: Kraft Heinz swallows German startup

“World brand” is to be created
Kraft Heinz swallows German startup

Whether scrambled egg spice or chocolate banana oatmeal spice: The Just Spices product range is diverse. With this selection and its online reach, the German startup convinces the food giant Kraft Heinz. Those responsible have big plans.

The US group Kraft Heinz takes over the majority in the German spice startup Just Spices. The US food giant, whose product range extends from ketchup to coffee to cheese, will acquire 85 percent of the shares in the Düsseldorf start-up, the company said. The remaining 15 percent are still held by Just Spices founders Florian Falk, Ole Strohschnieder and Béla Seebach. You should continue to run the company. Neither side provided any information about the purchase price.

Just Spices offers numerous special spices.

(Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

Just Spices had shaken up the spice market in Germany since it was founded in 2014. The start-up’s spice mixes, from scrambled egg spices to chocolate banana oatmeal spice for morning muesli, can be found in many supermarkets today, but many of them are also sold online. According to Kraft Heinz, the company recently had a turnover of 60 million euros.

It seems that Kraft Heinz is particularly impressed by the startup’s affinity for the Internet. Just Spices sells around 70 percent of its products directly to consumers and has almost 1.6 million followers on its social media platforms, praised Kraft-Heinz manager Rafael Oliveira. His know-how in handling data allows Just Spices to recognize consumer trends early on and to promote their own product innovations. Kraft Heinz sees great potential here to increase his rate of growth and his innovative strength.

The Just Spices founders emphasized that the merger with Kraft Heinz would offer the startup new growth prospects. “Together we want to make Just Spices a global brand,” they announced. The US group is the right partner for this.

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