World Medical President criticizes “little judges” for judgments on 2 G

W.Senior physician Frank Ulrich Montgomery has sharply criticized Richter for judging corona measures. “I bump into the fact that little judges stand up and, like in Lower Saxony, 2 G in the retail trade because they do not consider it proportionate,” said Montgomery of the newspaper Die Welt, according to an advance notice on Sunday. A court would presume to reject something that scientific and political bodies had laboriously wrested from them with reference to proportionality.

“I have big problems there,” said Montgomery. There are “situations in which it is right, the freedoms behind the right to physical health not just for yourself, but for everyone to be classified “. “And we have such a situation,” said the World Medical President.

Montgomery sees the current pandemic as an opportunity to achieve immunization more quickly with Omikron. “If the omicron virus, which we can only hope for at the moment, has a significantly lower disease burden, I would still vaccinate like crazy,” he said.

“The unvaccinated then just have to go through the disease in the end, we might have been lucky enough to reach immunization faster, ”he added. But he reckons that “there will be more to come”. There will be “even more variants the Greek alphabet goes to Omega ”.

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