World number 1 in the criticism – Novak Djokovic makes a statement on the allegations – News

  • Novak Djokovic made a detailed statement himself for the first time since his entry problems to Australia.
  • The tennis professional mainly commented on his positive corona test in December and the most recent allegations.
  • He only mentioned the initially refused entry to the host country of the Australian Open in a comment published on Tuesday (local time) on Instagram.

Djokovic was accused of having shown himself in public despite a positive corona test and thus violating the regulations in his home country Serbia, as well as endangering others.

According to Djokovic, the day before an event with children he did a negative antigen test and, out of sheer caution, also a PCR test. “I had no symptoms and felt fine and I received the news of the positive PCR test only after the event,” he wrote.

The following day he had a long-term interview with the French sports newspaper «L’Equipe». “Although I went home after the interview and went into isolation for the prescribed duration, after thinking more carefully, that was a misjudgment and I understand that I should have postponed this obligation,” he wrote.

Wrong information happened unintentionally

The fact that his entry form incorrectly stated that he had not traveled in the 14 days before his flight to Australia was described by Djokovic as a “human error” by his agent, “which was certainly not done on purpose”.

His employees have provided the Australian authorities with further information in order to provide clarity in this regard. It was important to him to clarify all of this, but he would not comment on the incidents out of respect for the Australian government.

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