World Pain: What helps against the feeling?

World Pain
How can one bear the suffering of the world?

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Am I just sad? Am I overwhelmed? Am I grieving? Am I depressed? Or maybe you just feel world-weary. You can read what that means here.

There’s a lot of terrible things going on in the world right now. We have a Mental health crisis fueled by social media, particularly among young people. We are feeling climate change that seems unstoppable and is causing all kinds of environmental disasters. In addition, a pandemic is behind us. At the same time, wars are raging and people are persecuted and mistreated. Anyone who doesn’t care about what’s going on in the world probably has to hide under a rock somewhere and be completely oblivious to it all.

With everything going on around us, there is one word that seems to fit it: World Pain.

How does world pain feel?

World pain describes one Feeling tired, sad or melancholy in the face of evil and danger in the world. It is often experienced as apathy or sentimental sadness and arises from comparing the actual state of the world with an idealized longing that things should be different. The German term World Pain is a Germanism, meaning it is used in many languages, including English, Danish, Italian and French.

Why do I have world pain?

That there are many reasons for this World Pain We have already made it clear at the beginning of the article. But why does this all hit us so hard? Are we too sensitive, spoiled or oversensitive? Do we have the right to feel this sense of powerlessness? There are certainly many tips that we can use Pain in the world not let it get to us so much, but the fact that we feel so affected by suffering has its right to exist.

In the past we had the opportunity to remain ignorant about many things in world affairs. If we didn’t want to be emotionally burdened with the bad things going on in the world, all we had to do was ignore the newspaper or turn off the evening news. However, today it is almost impossible to remain unaffected by the news. The images we see on our mobile devices and social media and the people we surround ourselves with inundate us with harsh realities. In addition, we often have the feeling that we are powerless in the face of what is happening.

Is this still world pain or is it already depression?

Studies have shown that the overwhelming type of destruction that young people see on a daily basis has a negative impact on their mental health and causes them to have a bleak and pessimistic vision of the future. But How do you differentiate between world pain and depression? from each other and when should serious consequences be drawn? The best thing to do is to ask yourself whether sadness calls you to take action and do something about this feeling or whether it overwhelms you and you can no longer see anything positive in your life. If you lose yourself in resignation, a carousel of thoughts or endless ruminations for several weeks and this inner emptiness occurs unaffected by external circumstances, then it is advisable to talk to people close to you or seek professional support. You can find more information and help here: Depression.

What can you do about world pain?

If you move away from your Liberate world pain If you want to and have the drive to do so, you can try to overcome your feeling of powerlessness with the following tips.

Would you like more tips? Here you can find books against world pain.

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Information about offers of help

Do you recognize signs of depression in yourself? At the national level Crisis hotline on 0800 1110111 you will get help quickly and anonymously! Further information is also available at German Depression Aid Foundation.


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