Xavier Niel and Bernard Arnault, luxury supporters of the Albert School, a data business school

BRIEF // Albert School, a business school focused on data, will open its doors in Paris next September. The establishment will offer five-year courses to train data experts.

A new establishment to train digital talents will see the light of day. This is the Albert School, a business school focused on data. It will open its doors in Paris next September, reveals Challenges. Behind this educational project, we find Grégoire Genest, a polytechnician who joined forces with Matthieu Heurtel (Polytechnique-Ponts ParisTech) and Mathieu Schimpl (ENS-HEC).

The establishment will offer five-year courses to train data experts, with “business case studies and theoretical lessons”. According to the economic weekly, this new school is supported by Xavier Niel (Iliad), who created the 42 school to train computer developers, and more recently Hectar, an agricultural campus. Bernard Arnault (LVMH) and Pierre-Édouard Stérin (Smartbox) also lent their support to this project intended to reduce the shortage in digital professions.

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