Xbox Games Showcase 2024: how to follow Microsoft’s video game conference?

Microsoft is hosting a major conference on Sunday, June 9, in a time that would have once been E3. Big announcements are expected from the multinational.

E3 may be dead, but the habits remain. As part of the Summer Game Fest, which started on June 7, Microsoft is holding a conference called Xbox Games Showcase, this Sunday, June 9. It promises to be crucial for the future of a brand that has had a troubled image for several months. Fans are hoping for great revelations, especially after Sony’s far from stellar State of Play.

How to follow the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 conference?

The Xbox Games Showcase 2024 conference is arguably the most important event of the year for the Xbox brand. And, good news, it won’t be broadcast at too late an hour. However, you will need to provide a meal tray.

  • When ? From 7 p.m. (Paris time), Sunday June 9, 2024;
  • Or ? Here, on YouTube, or on Twitch;
  • What ? The big summer conference for the Xbox brand.

What is Xbox really up to?

It seems like we’re repeating ourselves a lot, but Microsoft is playing big with this Xbox Games Showcase conference. On strategy, we are navigating in the dark with the gaming brand, accused a few months ago of killing its consoles out of a desire to put an end to exclusive games. We don’t really know where the multinational wants to go, which is making redundancies at the end of a long period of buyouts. On this subject, the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, long uncertain, caused a lot of noise. Today, Microsoft has a lot of balls in its bag to make people dream, even if the test is still slow to be transformed.

On the software side, it is time for Microsoft to reassure on titles announced for a very, very long time. They would supply the Xbox catalog over the next twelve months, knowing that the calendar is hardly full. Renowned licenses could pass a head, like Doom And Gears of War. We should also have news of the extension of Starfield, the biggest exclusive in recent months for Microsoft. It is imperative to also think in the shorter term, in order to have a good second semester.

Xbox Games Showcase 2024 Conference // Source: Microsoft
The Xbox Games Showcase 2024 conference. // Source: Microsoft

We still know that there will be the presentation of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, future opus of the saga published by Activision. The war FPS, which will be available upon its release in Xbox Game Pass, will be entitled to a Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct segment just after the Xbox Games Showcase – which will extend the evening accordingly.

Will Microsoft announce new hardware features? It’s possible, since the company has repeated that it is working on new consoles. We have even seen images of a cylindrical Xbox Series X, or a white Xbox Series X. The big bet concerned a portable console, a market that has been doing quite well since the arrival of Valve’s Steam Deck.

  • What we are sure to see : Xbox games you want, here they are. And new features for Xbox Game Pass.
  • What we would like to see : the announcement and immediate availability of a big game.
  • What we would like to see, but which will never happen : a more powerful Xbox that would pull the rug out from under the PS5 Pro.

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